By In Worship

A Biblically Sound Worship Ministry

A Biblically Sound Worship Ministry

  1. Will be overseen and preferably led by the qualified, male elders in the church. Three important words: qualified, male, and overseen. These elders should regularly study God’s Word and read articles and books so they can help lead a faithful music ministry.
  2. Will make it a priority to hire a full or part-time music pastor, who could shepherd the church through music and song. This man will be trained theologically, pastorally, and musically. My point is that if a church has the ability to hire more than one pastoral staff member this position should be at the top of the list.
  3. Will seek to be faithful to God’s Word in content and form. One key to this is numbers 1 & 2.
  4. Will sing God’s Word, especially the Psalms. And will constantly be searching for more of God’s Word set to music.  We are grateful for hymns. But hymns are not God’s Word.
  5. Will study at the feet of God’s people from the past, seeking to use tradition wisely.
  6. Will not be afraid of contemporary songs or forms, but will use them wisely to convey God’s Word.
  7. Will highlight the voice of the congregation. This means most songs, after they are learned, will be accessible to most of God’s people. It means there should be regular singing without the aid of instruments.  It means instruments should support the people’s voices not overwhelm them.
  8. Will sing songs that have a variety of tempos, moods, lengths, and themes.
  9. Will express this variety using the God-given resources in the congregation.
  10. Will be grateful for all they have, but will seek to use all they have to push on to greater Biblical maturity.

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