By In Culture, Family and Children, Pro-Life

Abortion Isn’t Scary? Please, Cut to Camera Two

An amateur video titled “Emily’s abortion” has gone viral on the internet this week, chronicling the experience of a young mother undergoing an abortion procedure. In the video, Emily Letts explains her intentions:

“I wanted to show it wasn’t scary — and that there is such a thing as a positive abortion story.”

It should be noted that we never see any part of the actual procedure. The camera is focused solely on Letts’ face, showing her talking, laughing, and humming. It’s as if nothing horrific is happening at all. When the abortion is over, she says, “Cool,” and exits the room. Yes, it is true, abortion is no scarier than a yearly pap test – at least for the mother.

Screenshot of Letts from the video

Predictably, we aren’t shown what happened down below. We don’t get to see the blood, guts, and glory of abortion. And why not? If the intent is to show how positive abortion is, let’s see it in all its splendor! But no, there was no second camera because Letts doesn’t want you to see the ugly. Abortion advocates never want you to see the big picture. They complain when protesters display photos of severed limbs and crushed skulls, and they’ll never advertise the videos that are available online (just search for “graphic abortion video” if you’re brave). Perhaps even they cannot stand to look into the face of a murdered human being, a fellow image-bearer of God.

For Letts, abortion needs a General Audience rating and the aspiring actress tries to provide that with her performance. It only gives us a half-truth, however. That’s what cameras do, after all. They show you what the director wants you to see. You may see reality, but it is an edited reality. Never mind the remains of that boy or girl being removed from its source of life, just focus on the star of the film and let the background music set the mood. The popcorn is in the microwave.

Letts indirectly admits that abortion is murder when she says,

“I feel in awe of the fact that I can make a baby. I can make a life. I knew what I was doing was right because it was right for me, and no one else.”

If you admit that you made a life – an innocent, human life at that – then you must admit that abortion is the killing of an innocent, human life. Yet all that matters in Letts’ presentation is the idolization of self. It’s all about “me.” Letts said she felt love from everyone in the room, but there was certainly no love for the unborn child.

Letts’ intent was to show that mothers can have positive experiences during an abortion. Is this under dispute? I’ll grant that you may feel just fine. In a violent situation, usually the aggressor is the one in control and empowered. It is the victim that is scared and vulnerable. Abortion isn’t scary to you, but that’s exactly the point.

Let’s remember Letts, those in her film, and the world in our prayers. May our hearts be convicted of this terrible crime, may we find comfort in God’s mercy, and may he grant us new leading ladies, new supporting casts, and new cinematographers who will deny their own glory — in trinitarian fashion — and give newcomers the spotlight.siteпродвижение в соц сетях а цена

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