By In Books, Scribblings

Buy Bianco’s Book for a Buck

letters to my sons

by Marc Hays

Yesterday, I recommended M. G. Bianco’s book, Letters to My Sons: A Humane Vision for Human Relationships. Today, and only today, you can buy the Kindle version of this book for 99 cents. Yes, that’s right, 99 cents. As I commended it to you yesterday, I recommend it to you today and will be recommending it for years to come.

Here’s another quote:

“Fornication is not a game to be played. A failure to see and treat others as fully human images of God is a failure to love your neighbor. Treating others and becoming animal-like yourself–for that is the result of failing to love your neighbor–is to habituate yourself out of the Kingdom of God; it is to live according to habits that make you more like an animal than an image-bearer of God. It is impossible to desire and be welcomed into the presence of the Triune God when you have trained yourself to not want to be there.”

Here’s a link to buy Bianco’s book for ’bout a buck.

Here’s a link to my quote from yesterday.

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