
By In Interviews, Scribblings

Uri Brito: Interview with Christian Counselor, Dr. Chuck DeGroat

Beyond managing this beautiful experiment, called Kuyperian Commentary, I also do interviews with authors and scholars at another website called Trinity Talk. You will find lots of free interviews there. Go ahead. Take a look. I will wait.

Now that you are back, let me draw your attention to the new season of Trinity Talk interviews. This time I cannot afford to make them free. In order to make my extra hours outside pastoral work worth it, there is a small fee ($0.59) to download these. The fee will serve mainly to cover website costs and perhaps the luxury of buying some pipe tobacco.

My latest interview is with Christian Counselor, Chuck DeGroat. DeGroat is the author of a wonderful book entitled “Leaving Egypt: Finding God in the Wilderness Places.” You can download the interview here or here.<>siteпродвижение а для турфирмы

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