By In Scribblings

Me and Zaccheus

Luke says that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature; Peter tells us to grow in grace and knowledge; Zaccheus shows us what to do if we have not yet grown enough to see Jesus as he passes nearby. We use whatever tools we have in order to improve our vision. Zaccheus had a tree, and you and I have minds, hearts, and appetites, bearing God’s image. Our children bear that image as well, so we train them to use the tools God gave them so they can distinguish truth from falsehood when they meet either. God has given them each a mind, a heart, a belly, a conscience, a will, an identity, a community, a church, and a family. We have God’s Word in our hands and God’s world at our fingertips, so we seek truth in both, and we place both within the reach of the ones God has given us.

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