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Episode 78, Producing with Purpose: A Conversation with Douglas Wilson

Welcome to episode 78 of Kuyperian Commentary. On this episode, Pastor Brito welcomes Pastor and Author, Douglas Wilson. Doug is the author of numerous books.

Doug is likely one of the more productive Christians in these last 50 years. He engages a host of topics with ease and does it eloquently and with a serrated edge. In this book, the reader has the joy of reading a bit of his daily work habits in a delightful little volume entitled, Ploductivity: A Theology of Work and Wealth.

“Ploductivity is productivity over time,” Doug says. We can be productive for a season, but ploductivity properly distributes time; a little 15 minutes here and a little 15 minutes there and suddenly you have something significant produced over time.

This little work will benefit anyone who struggles with meeting deadlines or who subscribe to that dangerous vocation of procrastination.



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By In Books, Family and Children, Interviews

Author Interview: C R Wiley

Congratulations on the new release of The Purloined Boy from Canonball Books (available for pre-order from Canon Press)

KC: Pastor Wiley, I am always interested in hearing from different authors regarding the place of fiction in the Christian pursuit of wisdom. Where, in your opinion, does its value lie? (more…)

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By In Culture, Scribblings, Theology

a poem for advent

E. E. Cummings


maybe god

is a child
‘s hand)very carefully
to you and to
me(and quite with
out crushing)the

papery weightless diminutive (more…)

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