By In Discipleship

We are Coming for your Children: A Gay Manifesto

Our speaker this Sunday at Providence Church (CREC), Dr. Ben Merkle, recently opined that you may not be postmil and paedobaptist, but the leftists are and they are actively seeking to implement their agenda. The left has a developed view of the future and they are eagerly seeking to catechize our children with their optimistic eschatology. They also have a covenantal view that sees generational faithfulness to their cause at the very heart of all they do.

Many Christians, on the other hand, live as if the future is determined for failure and that children are future disciples; little vipers in diapers waiting to be evangelized for a proper time of discernment–paedos and credos act like this at times. We treat the entire project with triviality and give over the reign of ideological terror to the enemy and let them set the agenda while we sit back with our Veggie Tales catechism.

Take the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir who has become a national topic these days. Now, they argue that the entire endeavor was tongue-in-cheek humor and that conservatives don’t have a sense of humor. But let’s consider for a moment the heart of their anthem:

“We’ll convert your children. Someone’s gotta teach them not to hate. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children.”

Now, this kind of indoctrination is rather the explicit variety; the stout version. But any sober Christian knows that there are no neutral actions and certainly no neutral lifestyles. The national pushback is not so much pushback to the agenda–for conservatives have been too hesitant to speak out against homosexual activists– but the pushback is a reaction to the overt language. We are generally fine when the argumentation happens at a subtle level because we don’t care much about grasping logical subtleties are arguments. Nevertheless, the best agendas are comedic agendas. That’s how God created us and God has a pattern of haha-ing his way through history, especially when songs like these make the round (Psalm 2).

Of course, we are not naive. These gay men may attempt to apologize for their song, but we know that their song is their anthem and agenda. Their boldness is coming to new levels of obscenity and their postmil and paedo-agenda cards are out in the open now. That’s a good thing for us. We need more testing as Christians to sharpen our discernment skills.

Now, if Christians act as if this is some SNL skit and move on from this without learning any lessons, we are fools for it.

What we do need to see is that unnatural acts and actors of unnatural lifestyles (Rom. 1) would love acceptance and acceptance comes in the form of enculturation to norms. These norms are actualized in the songs of a culture. Even the humor attempts are forms of indoctrination. We should not panic, but we should form even greater circles of postmil and paedo-life disciples who see that Christians are deeply committed to an agenda, a form of godly conspiracy against the prideful schemes of gay men. We don’t narrow our focus on gay men only, but gay men and various other alphabet letters are seeking to build a kingdom, and if we walk around as if this warfare is only left to the halls of public schools in California, we are going to lose the near battles.

This all means that our language to our boys needs to be conspicuously robust; the kind that shows them that sweat is good and that gets them out of the house often to tackle thorns and thistles. They cannot grow up with a diet of praise choruses. They need the “Son of God Goes Forth to War” and “Lion-Hearted” theology that acknowledges that the future belongs to the Lord and our sons and daughters are marked by a divine Catechizer in baptism.

One Response to We are Coming for your Children: A Gay Manifesto

  1. Shout this from every pulpit! :”This all means that our language to our boys needs to be conspicuously robust; the kind that shows them that sweat is good and that gets them out of the house often to tackle thorns and thistles. They cannot grow up with a diet of praise choruses. They need the “Son of God Goes Forth to War” and “Lion-Hearted” theology that acknowledges that the future belongs to the Lord and our sons and daughters are marked by a divine Catechizer in baptism.” Please post this paragraph on Social Media!

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