Should Roe (1973) and Casey (1992) be completely overturned in 2022, what we will experience this summer is a massive migration. As an example, over 330,000 have moved to Florida this past year. Most of this stemmed from COVID policies that crippled other states economically and socially. Almost nine million people in the U.S. changed their address during the last two years. COVID regulations strangled large portions of the country and revealed much of the internal dynamics between politicians and power. Many realized that when Nero has power, power he doth not wish to give way. Control is a technique of tyrants. Nevertheless, what they minimized was the capacity of people to see trends and follow trends to their ultimate telos.
And people, who began March of 2020 enamored by the Fauci, now gladly join the chorus of Fauci-deniers. Don’t overestimate the power of deception (Numbers 32:23). Things do come to a halt eventually and the kids will start asking about whether the pope speaks ex-cathedra or whether that chair is fake after all. If COVID measures woke people out of slumber like a storm in the middle of the sea, Roe and Casey will also do a thing more powerful yet. We should, in fact, expect a massive migration among those who–unlike Keller and Moore–see culture wars as a real thing, and not a figment of our imagination. People are flocking to towns where there is a massive-scale Jesus-is-Lord culture. I am not speaking of the generic Jesus-is-Lord culture, I am speaking of those towns where communities arise, dine, and wine in the Jesus-is-Lord culture. They take their culture wars with an extra shot of espresso.
We should expect cultures to be fairly defined in the next coming years. We should expect California to return to some level of 1929-culture; perhaps not of immediate economic turmoil, but certainly, cultural turmoil as the seeds of cultural decency will leave in mass and find refuge in cultural havens for spiritual refugees. I am somewhat hopeful that a few towns there will remain virtuous enough to reject the mandates from Fauci’s right hand and fight Newsom like a Puritan colony. If that happens, I will gladly send some monies to their accounts.
With this background, let me offer five pieces of advice for local churches in Florida and elsewhere who do wish to see some of this traffic your way and who are eager to see the collapse of false powers and the prince of peace speak to powers.
a) Let me encourage small/medium-sized churches with faithful, Bibline preaching to up their social media game. Social media–whether you cherish Wendell Berry or not–is where people receive most of their data. In fact, it’s been years since someone quoted something from a page in their local newspaper dropped off on their front porch. Virtually every news piece–Roe and Casey included–came through social media platforms and people are getting their stories from social media stories.
That means that pastors need to voice their convictions charitably but firmly. That means that local churches need to make themselves known to the watching world. Who are you? What does your worship look like? Who is your pastor? What do you sing when you lament? And when are the potlucks?
b) Speak clearly and unambiguously on these cultural matters. Leave the political middle and speak unashamedly for a cause. Quit the sophisticated nuances when it comes to abortion and sexuality and arrive speedily at a conclusion from the pulpit and pen.
c) Formulate or begin the conversation about what it will look like to invest in the pro-life efforts in the months ahead. Pro-life work is not completed, but our incremental efforts have brought it closer to us. Assuming everything is made official in June/July through the Supreme Court, the opportunities to serve will increase exponentially.
d) Invite/invest in a strong culture of hospitality to build on this massive migration. There are many who have been so enculturated in darkness, that it will take some time for them to begin to see the culture of light. Be patient, but keep moving with them. Classes on Christian hospitality, basics of theology, bible interpretation, and other things will be needed during this season.
e) Even in this season, it is crucial to protect your local bodies from zealots (Jude 4). Watch out for those who desire to tear the body asunder with strange doctrines and wild cultural behavior. Church cultures are built by ordered men who desire the good and fellowship with the righteous. Be prepared to send people away if they bring weirdness as a way of life.
This migration will come and is happening as we read. It is the fruit of a sovereign doing and it will re-formulate communities in a new way. It is crucial that we are aware and prepared to see it coming and be ready with movers and doers for the occasion.