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Seth Stern on our Foreign Wars

This is a great piece. Seth puts things into perspective.<>раскрутка  а оптимизация

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Rand Paul on the Debt Ceiling and the War of Terror

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Glenn Greenwald on the Death of Bin Laden

But beyond the emotional fulfillment that comes from vengeance and retributive justice, there are two points worth considering. The first is the question of what, if anything, is going to change as a result of the two bullets in Osama bin Laden’s head? Are we going to fight fewer wars or end the ones we’ve started? Are we going to see a restoration of some of the civil liberties which have been eroded at the alter of this scary Villain Mastermind? Is the War on Terror over? Are we Safer now?

Those are rhetorical questions. None of those things will happen. If anything, I can much more easily envision the reverse. Whenever America uses violence in a way that makes its citizens cheer, beam with nationalistic pride, and rally around their leader, more violence is typically guaranteed. Futile decade-long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan may temporarily dampen the nationalistic enthusiasm for war, but two shots to the head of Osama bin Laden — and the We are Great and Good proclamations it engenders — can easily rejuvenate that war love. One can already detect the stench of that in how Pakistan is being talked about: did they harbor bin Laden as it seems and, if so, what price should they pay? We’re feeling good and strong about ourselves again — and righteous — and that’s often the fertile ground for more, not less, aggression.

In sum, a murderous religious extremist was killed. The U.S. has erupted in a collective orgy of national pride and renewed faith in the efficacy and righteousness of military force. Other than that, the repercussions are likely to be far greater in terms of domestic politics — it’s going to be a huge boost to Obama’s re-election prospects and will be exploited for that end — than anything else.

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Gary North’s Questions to Ben Bernanke

Gary would like to ask Ben these questions in his first press conference.<>online mobile rpgpr а проверка

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Ron Paul vs. Sean Hannity

Ron Paul on Monday night dismissed Sean Hannity’s fear that Sharia law is coming to the United States.

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Federal Reserve is a Counterfeiter

Ron Paul said on the Cobert Report that “the biggest counterfeiters in the world are the Federal Reserve.” Will he enter the 2012 race?

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What Causes Poverty?

Walter Williams writes:

There is very little either complicated or interesting about poverty. Poverty has been man’s condition throughout his history. The causes of poverty are quite simple and straightforward. Generally, individual people or entire nations are poor for one or more of the following reasons: (1) they cannot produce many things highly valued by others; (2) they can produce things valued by others but they are prevented from doing so; or (3) they volunteer to be poor.

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Bernanke in Trouble

The recent decision by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to begin holding press conferences may be one more indication of the increased influence of Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas). The Federal Reserve has long ignored the public and conducted its proceedings in cloister, but the Wall Street Journal reported April 21 that Bernanke will hold the Fed’s first scheduled press conference ever after Wednesday April 27 Open Market Committee meeting.

Read the rest by Thomas Eddlem

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Lybia does not need the US Military, says Scott Horton

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