The Paul/Bachmann Showdown
Iran may indeed be a threat, but there are other ways to approach this threat than war, including working to bring Iran into the global economy, giving them a stake in the peace and prosperity of the world economy. The far greater threat, as Paul warned, is a costly and destructive overreaction.
Besides, Iran won’t nuke Israel or anyone else. The same threat of mutually assured destruction that applied in the Cold War applies in the Middle East conflict.
Thomas Woods’ Challenge to Mark Levin
I want you to find me one Federalist, during the entire period in which the Constitution was pending, who argued that the president could launch non-defensive wars without consulting Congress. To make it easy on you, you may cite any Federalist speaking in any of the ratification conventions in any of the states, or in a public lecture, or in a newspaper article – whatever. One Federalist who took your position. I want his name and the exact quotation. {read the entire article}
National Review pretends Ron Paul does not exist
This is a terrific display of true scholarship and truth-telling. On the other hand, National Review should repent of their lies.
What is a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy?
How it is different from an isolationist foreign policy? Wikipedia provides a great summary of non-interventionism. Ron Paul tackles that question in this Q & A:
<>I love Ron Paul, except his foreign policy
Have you heard this argument before? Here is a helpful video explaining Paul’s foreign policy. It is a worthy watch for those who have not looked deeply at the foreign policy issue. Interviews with foreign policy experts: Chalmers Johnson, Robert Pape, and Michael Sheuer.
<>What does Paul’s Surge Mean?
It means that there will be greater scrutiny over his past statements. Most surely, some will bring back the old Ron Paul newsletters, which include some language that sound racist, but which Paul asserted were not written by him. Paul will be out on the defensive. But anyone who has heard Paul in the past battle these accusations know that he handled them quite well.<>
Paul Within a Point of Gingrich
But Chris Matthews, avowed conservative hater–only recently said in national television that “Paul, the libertarian candidate is irrelevant in this cycle.” How could he be so wrong? New poll has Paul one point behind Gingrich in Iowa.<>