
By In Politics

Shocking the World in Iowa

Michael Doughterty seems rather confident that Paul will shock the world in Iowa. Among his reasons are the loyal Paul supporters who do not change. Once they come into the Paul camp, they do not leave. Whereas Iowans some Iowans have shifted from candidate to candidate, Paul supporters in Iowa are loyal to the end. Doughterty writes:

And why wouldn’t they be loyal? Ron Paul is offering something distinctive in this race – a return to a non-interventionist foreign policy, sound money, and Constitutional principles. And he has the ability to expand his support beyond his loyal fans, Iowa Republicans rate him the “most honest and trustworthy” among all candidates. It’s his consistency, even when he is at odds with the average Republican voter, that has impressed Texas voters for years.

Even if Paul fails to win the nomination, his campaign ,like Goldwater’s in 1964, can help leading libertarians identify their supporters and build long-term political institutions that can draw on their fund-raising power and activist energy for decades.

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Senator Coburn on Newt Gingrich

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) on former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s possible 2012 presidential run: “He is undoubtedly the smartest man I’ve ever met. He is a thinker. He has great vision. The question to me is, does he have the capability to lead the country? And having served under him in the House, he’s probably not one that I would choose to support in a presidential primary.” Video Link

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A Case for Ron Paul

John Nichols lists a few reasons why Ron Paul is compelling…which pretty much boils down to this: Paul took Trump to Task.<>анализ страниц апопулярность запросов google

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By In Politics

“Life does not begin at conception,” says Newt Gingrich is reporting Gingrich’s interview with ABC about his position on abortion. Newt argues that to make a case for life beginning at conception would raise all sorts of difficult questions:

In an interview with ABC News on Friday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said he believes that human life does not begin at conception but at “implantation and successful implantation” because if you say life begins at conception “you’re going to open up an extraordinary range of very difficult questions.”

Gingrich also said that his “friends” who take “ideological positions” that human life does begin at conception “don’t then follow through on the logic of” that postion.

Assuming Newt’s ability to change his position on the same week–as Paul so remarkably showed with his video–Newt may here be appealing to Independents in Iowa.

Update: Oh wait! The double-minded man has changed his position again:<>раскрутка а за 24 часа

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By In Politics

What does DiLorenzo think of Newt?

Newt Gingrich’s foreign policy views are a combination of wild, irresponsible, and aggressive warmongering, extraordinary naivete about the nature of government, and juvenile hero worship. –Thomas DiLorenzo

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Ron Paul’s CNN Interview

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By In Politics

Giving Money to Government

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. —P. J. O’Rourke<>реклaмa нa трaнспорте москвa

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By In Politics

Praise for Ron Paul’s Integrity

E.D. Kain praises Paul for his integrity in declining to join the Trump debate. Kain–from–concludes:

So far only Paul and Huntsman are refusing to attend. This puts other candidates in a tricky situation. You don’t want to be the only kid in class who shows up to the dance. Then again, with fewer candidates in attendance, the remaining debaters get more air-time. That’s going to appeal to the Perry’s and Bachmann’s of the race who are desperate for any attention they can get.

And it’s tempting for Newt Gingrich, too, because Newt is drawn to air time like a moth to flame. But serious contenders like Romney are going to have to think this one through.

Anyways, good for Paul and Huntsman to turn this down. This GOP race is already too much like reality television this election cycle. We hardly need to bring actual reality television into the mix.

If you strip away the ideology what we really want out of a president is a strong leader. Refusing to join the circus, like refusing to endorse torture, speaks to the character of both Paul and Huntsman. Integrity is a rare quality in a politician, but an important one.

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By In Politics

Ron Paul Still in Second in Iowa

The Paul campaign needs to work hard to get a respectable second in Iowa. Right now, Paul is 15% behind Gingrich. Paul needs a strong second to go into NH invigorated.

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By In Politics

Gingrich helped defeat the Nazis…

Well, not really. Brent Budowski–one of my favorite writers these days–takes his turn to mock Gingrich’s lust with self:

He writes:

Meanwhile, Gingrich is now claiming credit for winning the Cold War. Huh? Perhaps Gingrich will thank Ronald Reagan for helping Gingrich bring down the Berlin Wall. Gingrich reminds me of Al Pacino playing the devil in the film “The Devil’s Advocate,” when Pacino said his favorite sin is vanity. Perhaps Newt will next claim credit for winning the Second World War. Newt could not have done it without Winston Churchill, right?

December 4th, 2011

Psalm 40, pg. 74

          People: Amen!

Offertory Prayer:

Blessed are You, O Lord God our Father,

      forever and ever.

Yours, O Lord, is the greatness

      and the power  

      and the glory

      and the victory

      and the majesty.

Indeed, Yours is all that is in the heavens and in the earth.

Yours is the dominion, Lord Jesus Christ,

      and You are exalted above all.

All that we have, both riches and honor, come from You;

      and it is out of the abundance of Your own gifts to us

      that we offer these our gifts to You.



Short Communion Meditation:  Our Lord Jesus Christ comes for us. He comes for us because we have been made worthy in His sight. We are his lovely children; created by His love for the Bride. At this table we come adorned with royal apparel. Our Lord’s death and resurrection have united us to Him; and in this union we share a common meal as we prepare to go into the world and transform it according to the gospel.

“On the night he was betrayed our Lord took bread and gave thanks. Let us also give thanks.”



Then he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples…


*Distribute the elements


Words of Institution: …Then our Lord Jesus said, Take eat: this is My body, which is broken for you: this do as My Memorial (1 Cor. 11:24) "The body of Christ given for you. Take and eat.

Let us eat together.



"In the same way after they had eaten our Lord took the cup." (Grab the cup) "And he gave thanks." Let us also give thanks.



*Distribute the wine.

At this moment we will pass the peace of Christ to one another. The God of all peace demands that we greet one another with His peace. We do so joyfully, as the wine is being passed. Let us enjoy one another around this family table.


Words of Institution: He gave it to his disciples and said: 
"This cup is the new covenant in my blood: shed for many for the forgiveness of sins; this do, as often as you drink it, as a memorial of Me. (1 Cor. 11:25-26).  “The blood of the Lord Jesus shed for you. Take and drink.”




Let us stand: Sing the GLORIA PATRI – Hands raised


*The commissioning: Jesus received All authority in heaven and on earth and commissions us to Go and disciple all the nations by baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, by teaching them to observe all His commandments. And behold, He is with us always, to the end of the age.


Pastor:  Our mouths will speak the praise of the Lord!

      People: Let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever.  AMEN!                                                        Psalm 145:21

Closing Hymn: Come, Thou Almighty King, pg. 345


Pastor: And now look up and receive the Lord’s blessing . . .

*THE BENEDICTION The Lord bless you, And Keep you. The Lord cause His face to shine upon you, And be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.

In the Name of the Father, And of the Son, And of the Holy Spirit. THREE FOLD AMEN!


Go in peace to love and to serve the Risen Lord. Amen.

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