
By In Politics

Ron Paul and the Theory of Evolution

So, an old 2007 interview has been used by liberals showing Paul believes evolution is a theory, which he does not accept. Watch the liberals make an issue of it again and again.<>контекстная реклама а что это

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By In Politics

Ten Reason for Voting for Ron Paul

Here is number 10:

10. Dr. Paul works a real job, has run a small a business and served in the military. He has been a physician for 40 years, co-owned a coin store for 12 years and was a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. National Guard for five years. That was how our country was set up — for public servants to work a real job that they returned to after their public service was done. He has real skills and is not a professional politician.

See the other nine.<>racer onlineподдержка ов яндекс

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Kudlow, Gold, and Ron Paul

Excellent interview:

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Has Iraq become more safe?

Here is a summary paragraph of the article:

“There was a thought that al Qaeda has ended in Iraq. No, they regrouped and now the third generation of al Qaeda is working actively to reorganise itself with weapons and training,” Lieutenant-General Hussein Kamal, Iraq’s deputy interior minister for intelligence, told Reuters

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By In Politics

Why Doesn’t the Government Put you on a Diet?

This is Paul at his best over 20 years ago:

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Ignored by the Media: 3rd Place in National Polls

John Thorpe in the San Francisco Chronicle summarizes the lack of attention given to Ron Paul despite his amazing show in national polling:

Ignored by the media and dismissed by the Republican Party in general, liberty-minded Congressman Ron Paul leaped into third place today in the Gallup Presidential Nomination preference poll. Paul jumped over Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party darling/lunatic, relegating her to fourth-place in the current poll. Here’s how the numbers shake out today.

  • Rick Perry, Texas Governor: 29%
  • Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts Governor: 17%
  • Ron Paul, Texas Congressman: 13%
  • Michele Bachmann, Minnesota Congresswoman: 10%

That’s right. Ron Paul jumped into third place…and the media continues to ignore his candidacy. I can’t explain it as anything other than outright bias against the man and his ideas.

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By In Politics

Ron Paul Educating Rudy Giuliani

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Bill O’Reilly Challenges Ron Paul

So the neo-con Bill O’Reilly has challenged Ron Paul to come on his show. He even accused him of baby talk. Paul should go ahead and accept the invitation. He has nothing to lose. The questions posed by O’Reilly will all center on foreign policy. Paul is more than ready to face them all. With the latest Gallup placing him 3rd behind Romney, Paul has a real shot at taking Romney’s place for second and have a Texas fight for first. Assuming of course, Palin does not get in this race.<>бесплатная реклама в социальных сетяхпродвижение а красноярск

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By In Politics

ObamaCare and BushCare

Christopher Westley writing for Mises Daily observes:

Ironically, around the same time the jobs data were released, the MSM’s best and brightest also bemoaned the end of NASA’s space-shuttle program, which University of Colorado at Boulder scientist Roger Pielke Jr. estimates to cost more than $200 billion over its lifespan. Pielke noted that this translates to a cost of $1.5 billion per mission — 100 times greater than the $15-million-per-mission price tag promised by planners when the program was being sold to Congress in the 1970s. We can be assured that the projected costs justifying BushCare, ObamaCare, and undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were equally duplicitous.

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By In Politics

Ron Paul Shaping the Tide

Writes  Brent Budowsky in The Hill:

Literally for decades, Ron Paul has stated his views intelligently and cogently. He did not care whether he was swimming with the tide or swimming against the tide, because Ron Paul wanted to shape the tide. This is what leaders and conviction politicians do. This is what campaign workers and small donors seek. This is what America needs.

And this is what most in the major media and most Washington insiders will never understand, which is why Ron Paul is so under-covered and under-respected in the press. The press likes the cheap flavor of the month. This is why the clown Donald Trump reaps two months of starry coverage, and Ron Paul receives virtually nothing after essentially tying for first place in the Iowa Ames poll.

My bet is the latest flavor the month, Rick Perry, the hare, will be gone sooner than pundits think, while Ron Paul, the tortoise, has many more curtain calls to come.

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