
By In Culture, Theology

Division Is The Point

Kendall Lankford Jun 14

In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. The Earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.

 – Genesis 1:1-2


Just moments before the “in the beginning,” nothing existed. And for limitless eternities, our God was perfectly thrilled to dwell enraptured within the inner trinitarian love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And then, oh, about six to ten thousand years ago, God caused time to start ticking and space to bubble into being. The text says God first created the heavens and the Earth, which before the issuance of light, was just a collection of dark, formless, voided proto-matter that had yet to be organized into something meaningful. All of that changes in verse 2. 

Once the darkened, watery building blocks of primordial mass were sung into being, the first thing our triune God does is hover over it. This action signifies His absolute sovereignty and dominion over the matter that He will henceforth be organizing. To hover over the disordered waters of pre-cosmological substances demonstrates that Yahweh is the one who will be taming the chaos, shaping it into a cosmos, and specifying it into something orderly and useful for His purposes. Thus, in six sequential twenty-four-hour days, Yahweh calls forth light out of the darkness and then heaven and Earth out of the waters, filling everything He made with life, beauty, and peace. 


When God sings the universe into existence, He infuses it with purpose, life, beauty, and order. Like a master composer, He does not allow His celestial symphony to disintegrate into chaos or to lapse into an ear-jarring cacophony. He sang existential and intrinsic order into the masterpiece He fashioned and invited all of heaven’s newly created hosts to join the cosmic ballad with Him, which was very good. 

At some point in the song, and no one quite knows how long, the simple harmonies were mixed with a most bitter discord. A rival song was being sung by Earth’s original Melkor. And among the divergent notes, a contingent of heavenly beings defected from their God and followed the dragony piper’s song like rats running to their doom. At this point, the God of order damned the archangel of chaos to slither shamefully upon his belly, dragging himself across the barren Earth, until the lake of fiery chaos could be prepared for him and his minions forever. 

Unlike God, this miserable creature hated beauty, life, and order. He reveled in chaos, destruction, and disorder. He hated everything God made, especially the human beings God was so fond to sing about. From that moment on, the serpent of old would become man’s mortal enemy, seeking to extinguish his life, rob his people of beauty and joy, and fill his neighborhoods, societies, and cultures with pure unadulterated confusion and disorder. 


This campaign of mayhem began amid the beauty and tranquility of Eden’s orderly gardens. It was there the cunning serpent sewed division between the first man and his wife, which caused discord within their marriage, division with their God, and enmity among the creation, who now lived in fear and dread of man. This, however, would not be the end of Satan’s meddlings. 

Throughout the centuries, the dragon has sewn discord, disunity, chaos, and open rebellion against God into one society after another. From a spirit of pure malevolence, this menacing entity still foments his sinister plans to topple the race of man. Lucifer, the master of discord, finds solace when unity is fractured, and harmony collapses among people. Like a twisted artist, he revels in the macabre he orchestrates, relishing the scent of bitterness, rejoicing in the notes of animosity that lingers in the air. Division is his chief weapon, his carefully hewn masterpiece, crafted to purposefully erode trust, foster disintegration, and extinguish the sweet harmonies of the Father’s song wherever it is found. With meticulous precision, he exploits the deepest fears and insecurities within the human race, manipulating the fragile strands that bind us all together, causing us to turn on our God, which causes us to turn on one another.

Satan knows that where godlessness takes hold, division thrives. And where division thrives, love crumbles, compassion wanes, and the very essence of humanity grows sick, despondent, and crippled in his schemes. In this wasteland of fractured souls, he seeks to reign as a malignant despot, gloatingly atop a pile of ever-growing human bodies. He is the architect of despair, perpetuating a cycle of anguish and suffering on everyone and everything he can catch up in his snare. That is his modus operandi, and he has done this over and over and over again. 


Welcome to modern-day America. After a dramatic origination founded upon the knowledge of God and a good constitution, we find ourselves once again sick with the devil’s lullaby. A little more than a half-century ago, rampant sexual immorality became the norm among teens and young adults. For the first time in human history, people in this country were legally allowed to have their babies chopped up in agony inside their wombs, discarded like human vermin in medical-grade trash bags, and donated to universities that would perform experiments on the dead babies in the name of “the science.” 

A generation later, homosexuality and lesbianism became the rampant satanic leaven injected into society’s rotting lump. Forty years later, this has festered into an insidious rainbow-colored mold that is morally calcifying this country. Today, men no longer understand what it means to be men. Society has no answer for what a woman is. Colleges doll out gender studies degrees, so that a generation of delusional deviants can foment intellectual absurdities and outright lies. The media is gaslighting everyone. The government and our leaders are bereft of any moral decency or character to lead anyone. Our children are being perverted in indoctrination camps called public schools. And amid all of this chaos and confusion reverberating in this land, the love of God grows ever cold, and the lampstand that once shone brightly to the nations and did beat back the darkness is now in danger of being swallowed by the void as its embers flickers. 

When you look around and see a nation more divided than ever, that is undoubtedly the point. Our enemy never sleeps and is constantly roaming about like a roaring lion seeking whomever he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We did not get here by accident; this was the point all along, transforming us from a harmonious society into a people who give hearty approval to every kind of wickedness and evil under heaven (Romans 1:32). And while this was clearly the point, there most certainly is a cure. 


Our God has not left us to face the serpent on our own. He did not leave us in our chains and miseries to be eternally accosted by the enemy of our soul. No! 

Two thousand years ago, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came to overturn the devil’s treachery, to heal man’s virulent soul, and to reunite God’s people with their God and fellow man. The chaos of sin was silenced through the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the deep chasm of division between humanity and God was permanently healed. In a single act of the most profound love, Christ embraced the weight of our transgressions and bore the agony of our iniquities. With each agonizing breath, He conquered the chaos that held us captive, disarming the powers of darkness and offering us a pathway to redemption. Through His blood, shed in perfect atonement, He washed away the stains of our iniquities and reconciled us with our Heavenly Father. In the glorious triumph of His resurrection, Christ shattered the chains of division, restoring unity between God and man and granting us the promise of eternal life, a resounding declaration of hope. In Christ, the chaos of sin is forever vanquished, and the division is forever mended.

This has occurred powerfully and ultimately between God and us since there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Everything that once separated us spiritually from God has been abated so that there is nothing that can separate our soul from His love (Romans 8:35-28). Absolutely nothing! 

But this is not just a reality for the soul. This is not just a truth vouchsafed for us in heaven, as true as that is. In Christ, the devilish poison of division is daily being put to death by the power of the Spirit. Through the paraclete’s relentless conviction, our hearts are being stirred, and all division is being laid bare. Our minds are being rewoven with the threads of the Gospel, casting off the shackles of animosity and embracing the mind of Christ (Romans 12:1-2). Oh, the glorious fruit the Spirit has wrought already and is working now within us! Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are trickling forth in purest droplets from the soul of spiritual babes and gushing forth like a mighty river from the long in love with Christ.

Empowered now by the Spirit of grace, we extend grace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, bridging the chasms of severed relationships with the unwavering love of Christ. Guided by the Spirit’s wisdom, we discern truth and dismantle falsehoods that breed discord in our homes, neighborhoods, and society. O, let us yield to the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying fire, for under His mastery and care, all division withers and all unity begins to thrive, birthing for Christ’s Church a testimony of God’s transformative power within us.

While the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, the Church, in the name of Jesus Christ, comes to seal, heal, and spread joy. Our country is in a mess right now. The fingerprints of Satan’s sadistic schemes are everywhere. And if something does not happen quickly, this nation will be torn asunder, collapsing into the same rubble as Rome before her. But, this need not be her fate! 

If the Church would pray for revival, if we would speak the truth in love, proclaim the Gospel of peace, interject ourselves like salt into the rot, and shine forth like Christ in a crooked and perverse generation, then we may yet see this nation spared from the coming wrath of God. Perhaps if we would preach like Jonah, weep like Jeremiah, if we would repent like Nebuchadnezzar, or stand firm against God’s enemies like Samson; If we would worship as ardently as David, or employ wisdom like his son Solomon; If we would be as industrious in our society as Daniel and Joseph; if we would chase after the whoring gentiles like Hosea; and if we, who are filled with the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, would live like the apostles – going from town to town declaring freedom in the risen Christ – then I believe we will see this nation turning back to God. 

Division, chaos, discord, and disunity are all symptoms of walking away from God. They are hallmark attacks of the enemy who hates humanity with a passion and wants to see us destroyed. As Christians, we know the answer. We have the remedy. We have the antidote to the serpent’s venom; the only loving thing now to do is apply it liberally wherever chaos and division are still found. 

We do not have time to hide or blend in. If we do nothing, this country will collapse. It may already be too late, which God alone knows. But while we have breath in our lungs and see the truth, let us proclaim it. Let us pray the pagans will be converted to Christ. Let us petition heaven that this nation will repent and bow again unto Christ. And let us labor with everything we have to see His Kingdom advancing in this place. 

For Christendom,

Kendall Lankfordrd


(1) WHO IS MELKOR? – Melkor, also known as Morgoth, is a prominent character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium, specifically in “The Silmarillion.” He is a fictional character representing the embodiment of evil and the primary antagonist of the narrative. In Tolkien’s cosmology, the world, known as Arda, was created through the music of the Ainur, powerful beings who are subordinate to Ilúvatar, the supreme deity. Melkor was one of the Ainur who participated in the creation of the world. Initially, he was one of the mightiest and most talented of the Ainur, possessing great power and knowledge. However, Melkor developed a strong desire for dominion and control, which eventually led him astray from Ilúvatar’s original intentions. During the “Music of the Ainur,” a symphony performed by the Ainur under Ilúvatar’s guidance, Melkor introduced discord into the harmony. He sought to introduce his own themes and overpower the music of the others, desiring to shape the world according to his will rather than following the divine plan. This act of discord caused disharmony and tension within the music. Melkor’s primary goal was to dominate and control the world of Arda. He sought power, control, and the subjugation of all other creatures. Overall, Melkor’s modus operandi was centered around spreading chaos, corrupting others, and disrupting the harmony and order intended by Ilúvatar. His actions led to a long history of suffering and heroic struggles against his reign, making him one of the most significant and compelling villains in Tolkien’s mythology, and an apropos type of Lucifer in the Scriptures.

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By In Culture

How To Make America Great Again (In 9 Biblical Steps)


The neurotic optimism accompanying the American quadrennial election cycle seems as cockamamie and asinine to me as a man attempting to ride his homemade rowboat up the Niagara Falls. With a horde of eager tourists staring on in pure bewilderment, picture the hapless virtuoso of absurdity, paddling with the finesse of a drunken lifeguard, flapping as frantically against the currents as a penguin in a cheer competition, nearing the aquatic torrent of a three thousand ton wall of falling water, thinking he could scale it with such misplaced bravado, only to be consumed by the avalanche of its fury. 

Every four years, we are invited into the same cultural absurdity. Each election, we are presented with a new brand of idealogue who will bring about the “Change We Can Believe In,” who will “Make America Great Again,” and who will help us all “Build Back Better.” Yet, like the magnificent fool, paddling with a boundless reservoir of natural stupidity, change, American greatness, and cultural betterment never come. 

The reason for this could not be any more obvious. We were not meant to rowboat against the currents to travel up waterfalls in the same way culture does not change from a top-down point of view. More simply, politics flow downstream of culture; culture is downstream of the family, and the definition of insanity would be for the American people to get trapped in an endless cycle of mindless optimism, thinking: “Well… This candidate will be different.”

But, if there is one thing the American people are good at; they are incomparably resilient. Against all evidence to the contrary, over and against everything we have seen and experienced, every political season, we dutifully don our little row boats once more, falling for the same old lines, expecting this time it will all be different. But it isn’t. Each time we come underneath the mountain of watery lies; however, all we have done is drown ourselves in blind political positivism once again. My hope in this article is for us to stop getting wet and to change our perspective. 

Today, I would like to paint a different picture of how to make America great again. I want to posit real change that you and I can believe in. And I want to give us all a robust Christian plan for when America eventually crumbles, enabling us to truly build it back better. If all that sounds good and lovely, then onward, Christian soldiers!


When the faithful pull back the societal curtains to survey the smorgasbord of today’s cultural malaise, feelings of disgust, confusion, and shock inevitably rise to the fore. If this is not happening, then stop what you are doing and check your pulse. With that out of the way, it is normal for Christians to feel like aliens in this God-forsaken land. For many of us, and by “the many,” I mean those who were not born yesterday, we remember the good old days (just a few years ago) when girls could not have penises, when teenagers at least needed parental consent before they could murder their babies in utero, and where it was biologically impossible for men to have periods and to get pregnant. Apparently, the grown-ups are now in charge, and that “reality” is on full and morbid display. 

Clinging to such antiquated “myths” and apparent “fables” these days will land you in the same company as “flat-earthers” and “science deniers,” whatever that means. And yet, the same body politic viewing us as “moral dinosaurs” are the same ilk beckoning us to participate in their futile system. A system that has produced both Democrats and Republicans (ad nasuem) that fill the highest levels of power but without any perceivable change we can believe in. 

This is because top-down politics do not work. Politicians are not the makers of culture; they are the products of culture. We have corrupt leaders because we are an evil people and not the other way around. 

We must understand that the problems ailing this society run much deeper than a ballot box. If we want to change the world, this nation included, we need a plan that runs much deeper than the superficial two-party system we have been offered. We must also realize that we live in a microwave culture that is no longer patient enough to wait for the brisket on the smoker. We want our change to happen yesterday and can barely stomach a solution that has to be worked out over decades. Yet, this is precisely how we got here, refusing to engage this rotting culture for a hundred years while it willingly marinates slowly in its own skubalon. 

We need a bottom-up, Biblical approach with the long view in mind. 



While the cultural Marxists continue to goad us into joining the next half-baked revolution, Christians must plod along faithfully and locally, sharing the Gospel with anyone and everyone who will listen (Acts 1:8). We do not march into the halls of power and demand anything from our pagan overlords… At least not initially. We humbly labor wherever we are so that men and women will know Jesus, which is precisely the model we see in the book of Acts. Whenever the faithful are parachuted into a world where exactly no one else around them has a Biblical worldview, the first step is always to declare the Gospel. Some will reject that message. Others will be converted by that message. But, our job is to preach it boldly, lovingly, truthfully, forcefully, and joyfully. 

If we want a Christian culture, we must begin with making Christians. 


After someone is converted, we do not notch our Big-Eva Billy Graham-sized belts, plastering our conversion numbers on an 8k gigascreen, so that an overstuffed room full of mega-church consumers can be entertained. Unlike Lady Gaga and many in evangelicalism, we are not in it for the “applause” of men but for the obedience of God. Instead of letting new converts slip through the proverbial cracks, ill-equipped and unprepared for the Christian life, we have been commanded to disciple them. This means baptizing new believers and their children into the local, visible church, and teaching them what it means to obey Jesus in every aspect of their life (Matthew 28:18-20). 

If we want a Christian culture, we must teach believers how to live like Christians. 


If the first two steps (mentioned above) were undertaken with any degree of regularity, we would not be in our current predicament. If men were taught how to honor God with their masculinity, and if women were shown how to honor the Lord as a godly feminine woman, the vast majority of the stink would not have settled into our nation’s wound. If America is lopped off the body by the Great Physician, those who stood idly by when the first whiff of odor surfaced will have some explaining to do. 


Once men and women understand what it means to walk with Christ following their God-ordained design, the next goal for the local church will be to help facilitate godly marriages. This will undoubtedly involve three things:

  1. The church must help teens, young adults, and other singles prepare well for Biblical marriages.
  2. The church must help singles shrewdly identify potential suitors, righteously court them, and to make it to the altar in purity.
  3. The church must come alongside current marriages to work through their idolatry, slog through their conflicts in God-honoring ways, and to learn the blessing of blissful matrimony so that our marriages image that glorious marriage of Christ and His Church. 

If we want a Christian culture, Christians must be discipled to enter into Christian marriages. 


When God designed marriages, they were not sex-permitting static hangouts for heterosexual adults going nowhere. Marriages were intended to be filled with intimate covenantal love-making that produced godly offspring who would then be equipped to rule over, subdue, and bring God’s dominion to the untamed earth (Genesis 1:28). In this way, men and women were designed to become fathers and mothers who inculcate God’s mandate for culture into the lives of their children. When this happens, generations of faithful believers join their parents in the offensive, pushing back the chaos and retaking territory for the Lord their God. 

In Eden, that task was simple. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, they would have filled the garden full of people. They would have extended its boundaries to allow for a larger civilization when things became packed. And they would do it repeatedly until the entire world was filled with worshippers. This was God’s “very good” plan that we have no good reason to believe He has abandoned today. 

In fact, this plan has been restored in the redemption of Jesus Christ. When pagans are converted and discipled into believers and baptized into the local church so that they may enter into godly marriages, the goal is not childlessness. While some may experience infertility due to the fall, the New Testament ideal is for men and women to produce children and raise them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). 

If we want a Christian culture, Christians must be discipled to enter into fruitful, multiplying, ruling, and subduing marriages that produce godly, discipled children. 


While the local church is perpetually committed to doing steps 1-4, mature families will also grow and come alongside the local church as workers in the harvest (Matthew 9:37-38). The men of these families will become deacons and elders (1 Timothy 3) who will serve the body and help it grow into maturity. The older women from these families will become pillars in the community to encourage young wives not to neglect their homes and to raise the next generation of godly children (Titus 2:2-4). And the children from these families will grow up into mature manhood and womanhood, entering into new families through covenant marriage that will fill their neighborhoods with a panoply of children. 

Between the consistent plod of a local church and the mature, fruitful, multiplying nature of covenant homes, neighborhoods will be inundated with converts and covenant children. Considering that our current society fancies dogs over children and sexual identities that can’t reproduce, it won’t take long for Christians to out-populate communities and neighborhoods to the glory of God.


In addition to out-populating and out-discipling unbelieving neighborhoods, local churches have the added advantage of equipping men and women with spiritual gifts to serve in Jesus’ Kingdom. That Kingdom work is two-fold. First, as noted above, Christians must use whatever giftings, resources, and time they have to help build up the local church. They must also, secondly, use the gifts and resources Jesus gave them intending to see His Kingdom take back ground from the serpent of old. 

Some will use the gift of prophecy, to herald Christ within their hamlets on street corners, at water bubblers, at backyard BBQs, and wherever else our Lord is not locally named. Some will employ the gift of serving to meet the needs of the broken; the gift of teaching will be used to bring theology and doctrine to the skeptic and illiterate; the gift of encouragement will be used to comfort the downtrodden and depressed within our towns; the gift of giving used to support the ongoing work of evangelism and missions; the gift of leadership to start Christian businesses, reformed schools, tap houses, breweries, real estate companies, and plumbing businesses that exist for the glory of God. 

Whatever gift the Lord has given His people, they are to use it to build up Christ’s Church and tear down Satan’s gates. With patience, that small amount of Christian leaven will eventually work its way through the whole local lump (Matthew 13:33). 

Thus, if we want a Christian culture, then converts must be discipled to enter faithful families that produce godly children who will grow up to build up Jesus’ Kingdom and tear down the enemy’s gates in their neighborhoods and cities to the glory of God. 


While a mustard seed begins as the smallest grain, it eventually grows into the largest plant in the garden. It does not overtake the weeds and faster-growing plants in an evening, but with the slow and steady rains, regular tending, and a dash of patience, it becomes the dominant force in a farmer’s plot of land. 

In the same way, when churches and families implement steps 1-6, understanding that multiple generations are usually needed to take over towns and cities, then it will not be long until commonwealths and states begin to fall as well. This is because onlooking denominations and parishes will behold the long-standing faithful work of faithful churches. As they produce godly marriages, generations of covenant children, and make Gospel in-roads in their local communities and cities, other churches and denominations will be encouraged to join the effort, to imitate the results, which will make the effort a multiplicative mustard-seed-like mission that spreads from our “Jerusalems” to nearby “Judeas” (Acts 1:8). 


When Daniel describes the coming Kingdom of our Lord, he portrays it as a small pebble that begins locally but will eventually fill the world full of the glory of God like an earth-sized mountain (Daniel 2:44-45). Forgetting the uninformed dronings of our dear dispensational defeatists, the true Church has every expectation that the Kingdom will continue to advance into all the world. We understand that although the nations dutifully rage (Psalm 2), the Lord will pile their bodies high as heaven, putting every enemy under His glorious feet (Psalm 110). We know that His Kingdom will come to every nook and cranny of earth, as it perfectly already has in heaven (Matthew 6:10). We know He has all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 29:18); to build His government that will never end (Isaiah 9:6-7); so that every family on earth will be blessed under His rule according to the Abrahamic promise (Genesis 12:1-3). 

We stand on the Word of God, knowing that His Kingdom will not only capture our cities and commonwealths but when the tale is over, all nations under heaven will be discipled (Matthew 28:19) and will bow before the Lord of glory (Philippians 2). How much less should this expectation apply to our culture, whom we labor to see it redeemed? That reformation in America may take two hundred years since it took us that long to squander it, but if we stopped looking for minute solutions to century-long problems, we would begin to make a little progress. 

Thus, if you want a Christian culture, disciple converts to enter faithful marriages that produce godly children, who will grow up and build Jesus’ Kingdom, storm the gates of hell, leaven their cities with Christ, join up with other churches to fill their commonwealths and continue that work long enough to see national revival and renewal. 


Instead of electing a candidate who will fix all of our problems, we need to catch a vision of a multiple-century effort to build Christendom from the ground up. If the Lord, in His amazing grace, decides to expedite that work, waking a decaying culture with the breath of white-hot revival, then praise be to the Lord! And if we plod along with incremental gains, handing our plowshares and hammers off to our sons who will plod along when we are gone, then blessed be the Lord of Heaven! Blessed be His name! 

In the same way that rowboats work best when traveling downstream, culture will be revived and renewed when the Church and families understand the work God has given us. We declare the Gospel, which is the headwater of revival. We pray that God would convert individuals that we can disciple and help them prepare for and enter into godly marriages. We must encourage those marriages to bear fruit (as the Lord wills), grow into maturity, and take back territory in our local communities through the gifts God has given us all to serve. And then, as we all faithfully and patiently plod along, we must expect that the Kingdom work Christ has given us will spread and take over cities, states, whole nations, and then go to ends of the earth. At some point, we may have a Christian king, but we have a lot of faithful work before we get there.

In closing, if you want a Christian culture, forget American politics. That is as fruitful as drowning yourself under a waterfall. Instead, if you wish for Massachusetts, California, Washington, Nevada, Montana, and all the rest of these fifty states, to bow the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ, then put down your politics, lay down your mail-in ballots, and grab your Bible and a shovel. We have work to do! 

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