
By In Politics

Buchanan’s “Suicide of a Superpower”

Buchanan’s not happy. And his latest book reveals it right from the start. Here is a stunning sample of this unfortunate reality:

The European and Christian core of our country is shrinking. Thebirthrate of our native born has been below replacement level for decades. By 2020, deaths among white Americans will exceed births, while mass immigration is altering forever the face of America.

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By In Politics

Kuyper’s Covenantal Theology

To know how Kuyper would apply his thinking to all areas of life (politics, economy, etc.) one must be familiar with his theology. In particular, one must know that Kuyper had a very distinct Trinitarian theology. According to Ralph Smith, Kuyper’s “trinitarian covenant is the true prototype of every covenant.” Therefore, to understand Kuyper demands a prior knowledge of Trinitarian covenantal theology.

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Lectures on Calvinism by Abraham Kuyper

Yon can read Kuyper’s lectures for free.<>поведение клиентов

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A Living Document?

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By In Politics

Ron Paul Wins Minnesota

Paul’s victory means 32 of Minnesota’s 40 national delegates will now be committed to Paul at this summer’s Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. The libertarian-leaning GOP candidate is remaining in the presidential race to compete for delegates in the hopes of shaping the convention and influencing the party platform. {Read the Rest}

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By In Politics

Pat Buchanan on the Zimmerman Case

Buchanan writes:

Yet the public mind has been so poisoned that an acquittal of George Zimmerman could ignite a reaction similar to that, 20 years ago, when the Simi Valley jury acquitted the LAPD cops in the Rodney King beating case.

Should that happen, those who fanned the flames, and those who did nothing to douse them, should themselves go on trial in the public arena.

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Ron Paul is NOT out!

Great word by the Southern Avenger.<>заказать статью на

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We are not out

“The fight continues for the Paul campaign,” says Doug Wead.<>поисковая раскрутка аудит  а

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By In Politics

Chris Matthews’ Career is in Jeopardy

Yes, he came in last on Jeopardy, but he also is rather giddy about the president’s approval of gay marriage. Yesterday he boasted that Democrats are the ones fighting for social values while Republicans are fighting to make other Republicans rich. But this is the same Matthews that castigates Republicans for being too much for social issues. So, which is it? Either Republicans value too much money or they value too much morality? This man is jeopardizing his common sense.<> xэффективные методы продвижение а раскрутка

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By In Politics

The Delegate Strategy of Ron Paul

“Ron Wins Big”, says the Christian Science Monitor. One political insider concluded:

“I think he’s being very careful because he knows how important the Ron Paul voters are – they obviously represent a very different dynamic,” Mike Dennehy, a former top aide to Republican John McCain‘s 2008 campaign, told the AP. “They are the most passionate and the most frustrated of any voters heading to the polls. And many of them are independents.”

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