
By In Politics

Neo-Conservatives and the Media

When Peter Steinfels wrote in 1979 about the power of the neo-conservatives, he writes:

Neoconservatives have frequently complained of a liberal “opposition” bias in the media. Their own position in the media, however, has never been weak, and now grows increasingly stronger (8).

I doubt Steinfels ever imagined a vast army of neo-conservatives in both left and right, in both conservative and liberal media, and these same neo-cons actually setting political, economic, and the war agenda of the most powerful country on earth.<>mobile games rpg onlinepr кампания это

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Are Evangelicals Turning to Ron Paul?

There is a trend, Doug Wead says.<>game mobilаудит а договор на аудит

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By In Politics

Santorum, Compromise, Done Deal, and Ron Paul

The news is circulating quite rapidly that Romney is the inevitable GOP nominee. Gingrich and Paul still remain, with the first, stating that he is in it until the game is over. Ron Paul is conviction. He is in it to educate, but also to leave an impression in the party. His goal is nobler than power; it is equipping. His libertarianism may appear too radical to some, and thus unappealing to the masses, but at the same time it leaves the doors open to a third party run. Some call it insane, while others contemplate this scenario in dream-like fashion. Naturally, as some assume, this might make the Obama campaign quite pleased, since Paul holds a cult-like following of at least 10% of the GOP. 10% is worth a reasonable compromise with the Romney campaign. Is a compromise workable? Yes. Is it likely? It would be a shocker.

As Santorum exits, his delegates become  an interesting bid. The idea of Santo’s delegates running to Gingrich’s hurting campaign seems strange. The idea of them running to Paul’s campaign also seems unlikely, though if Santo’s crowd despise Romney as much as it appears, there is always a potential that hurting him might prove fruitful.

Romney’s chances are increasing. He has practically sealed the deal. But will the deal go beyond Tampa? If not, Romney becomes another John McCain; moderate, hawkish, and defeated.<>как продвигать ключевые запросы google

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By In Politics

Ron Paul Draws 10,000

Ron Paul rock star:

Ron Paul spoke at UCLA last night with several thousand people showing up to create a scene that made Beatlemania seem tame.  One would not think that this man is trailing in all the presidential race polls.

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Afghan War Distrust

I am not sure why this is a shock.<>mobile rpg games onlineдизайн а цена

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By In Politics

Is illegally downloading music, etc. really stealing?

This is a fascinating piece by Stuart Green, who concludes:

So what are the lessons in all this? For starters, we should stop trying to shoehorn the 21st-century problem of illegal downloading into a moral and legal regime that was developed with a pre- or mid-20th-century economy in mind. Second, we should recognize that the criminal law is least effective — and least legitimate — when it is at odds with widely held moral intuitions.

Illegal downloading is, of course, a real problem. People who work hard to produce creative works are entitled to enjoy legal protection to reap the benefits of their labors. And if others want to enjoy those creative works, it’s reasonable to make them pay for the privilege. But framing illegal downloading as a form of stealing doesn’t, and probably never will, work. We would do better to consider a range of legal concepts that fit the problem more appropriately: concepts like unauthorized use, trespass, conversion and misappropriation.

This is not merely a question of nomenclature. The label we apply to criminal acts matters crucially in terms of how we conceive of and stigmatize them. What we choose to call a given type of crime ultimately determines how it’s formulated and classified and, perhaps most important, how it will be punished. Treating different forms of property deprivation as different crimes may seem untidy, but that is the nature of criminal law.

For related work:

Stephen Kinsella’s Against Intellectual Property and John Frame’s Copyright’s and Copying.<>games for boysраскрутка магазин поисковое продвижение а

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By In Politics

GOP Leader Conspiracy to Block Paul Supporters

Honesty is always helpful, unless it is to hide your main intention.

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Here is a great intro to Iranian Culture

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Obama Destroys the Constitution

He is an easy target, but do Republicans  treat it just as carelessly?<>создать рекламу онлайн

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By In Politics

Joe Scarborough says: Leave Afghanistan

I appreciate Joe’s courage here, but is this just another way of opposing a war Democrat president? Would he have expressed similar courage under a Republican president? Scarborough affirms that the job description in Afghanistan has changed. But it always changes. It changed in Iraq, and it will continually change because ultimately this present foreign policy topples bad guys, but the bad guys are only a means to an end.<>оптимизация  ов

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