
By In Politics

Trouble for Romney in Maine

The BangorDailyNews writes:

After defeats Tuesday in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri, Romney’s campaign is bracing for the possibility of more bad news in Maine, where Republicans will announce the results of a weeklong series of caucuses Saturday and where Romney’s TV presence has been virtually nonexistent. Ron Paul has made a strong play for Maine, making it essentially a two-man contest since Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum aren’t actively competing there.

A victory for Paul would make him the fourth candidate to take a Republican contest so far. And the prospect of four consecutive weak performances for Romney raises questions about his durability as the GOP leader absent a barrage of attack ads lobbed at his foes.

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By In Politics

Rand Paul Speech at CPAC

An excellent case for individual liberty.

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By In Politics

A Delegate Speaks…

I am a delegate for Ron Paul in the Minnesota Caucus. He won my caucus district by a heavy margin against Santorum. No, Ron Paul isn’t perfect. But I would remind you that we are not electing a Messiah, we’re electing a President – a sinner to help protect sinners from sinning against each other.–Devin Mork

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By In Politics

Ron Paul moves to second place

According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday:

The former Massachusetts governor’s three rivals in the race to oppose Democratic President Barack Obama in November were in a virtual tie for second, the poll showed. The gaps between the three were within the poll’s margin of error.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s support grew by 5 percentage points to 21 percent, moving him into second place and ahead of former House of Representatives speaker Newt Gingrich, whose support slipped to 19 percent from 20 percent.

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By In Politics

Constitution Party National Convention

Time:   Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 12:30pm – Saturday, April 21, 2012 at 8:00pm

Location: Sheraton Music City Hotel, Nashville, TN
777 Mcgavock Pike
Nashville, TN
Click here for registration form

Why should I attend the CP National Convention and what goes on at a Convention?

A National Convention is not just a great event to come to “if you can.” You should be there becasue:  (more…)

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By In Politics

Bacevich and Woods

Tom Woods interviewed Andrew Bacevich. I have not yet listened to this interview, but look forward to it, since Bacevich is a brilliant conservative voice opposing America’s foreign interventionism.<>анализ позиций а в поисковых системах

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By In Politics

Buchanan on Third Parties

“The wars continue endlessly and that is one of the things tearing the country apart.”<>online консультант для асемантическое ядро для корпоративного а

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By In Politics

Clint Eastwood’s Libertarianism

So, Mr. Make-My-Day says that the good doctor is as good as anybody else.<>панда реклама

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By In Politics

Happy 55th Anniversary to the Paul’s!

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By In Politics

Where will Iowa Delegates go?

Assuming Santorum will not make the long journey to the White House, where will his delegates go? Influential nationally syndicated Talk show host, Steve Deace, writes this on twitter:

If I had to guess…Iowa’s delegates in June will eventually be rewarded to either Mitt Romney or Ron Paul

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