Politico ‘breaking news’ report botches Des Moines Register poll results
Ron Paul’s True Foreign Policy
Again and again the same charge is brought about Paul’s foreign policy. GOP candidates use it as a chance to treat Paul as an Iranian sympathizer, while Katie Kieffer uses Paul’s actual words and significant research to offer Ron Paul’s true foreign policy.<>
Iran is not a threat to Israel
But again, these are just facts:
The head of Israel’s intelligence agency says that a nuclear-armed Iran does not necessarily pose an existential threat to the Jewish state, according to Israeli ambassadors.
Ron Paul, Francis Schaeffer, and Abortion
Ron Paul wrote an excellent book on Abortion in 1983. In it, he quotes Francis Schaeffer. This is worth a few seconds to read. It gives us a glimpse of how Christian Paul’s view is of life.<>
Doug Wead: A Friend of Freedom
Once again, I am highly impressed with Doug Wead’s brilliant summary of Paul’s positions. A true eloquent spokesman: