
By In Politics

Ron Paul: Propagandist or Prophet?

This is the title of a new piece by Jeremy Hammond. I will say that this is a piece worth passing around. People simply have never heard the facts and they need to be exposed to it soon before the MSM–liberal and conservative–perpetuate fiction.

Ron Paul is “the best-known American propagandist for our enemies”, writes Dorothy Rabinowitz in a recent Wall Street Journal hit piece. To support the charge, she writes that Dr. Paul “assures audiences” that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 “took place only because of U.S. aggression and military actions”. It’s “True,” she writes, that “we’ve heard the assertions before”, but only “rarely have we heard in any American political figure such exclusive concern for, and appreciation of, the motives of those who attacked us”—and, she adds, he doesn’t care about the victims of the attacks.

The vindictive rhetoric aside, what is it, exactly, that Ron Paul is guilty of here? It is completely uncontroversial that the 9/11 attacks were a consequence of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. The 9/11 Commission Report, for instance, points out that Osama bin Laden “stresses grievances against the United States widely shared in the Muslim world. He inveighed against the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam’s holiest sites. He spoke of the suffering of the Iraqi people as a result of sanctions imposed after the Gulf War, and he protested U.S. support of Israel.”

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Military Support Ad

Who receives the most amount of military support?

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By In Politics

Can Ron Paul Beat Obama in the General Election?

Listen to this powerful argument by Napp Nazworth:

Could He Beat Obama?

Winning the nomination does not ensure, of course, that Paul would win the general election. It would certainly throw the Republican Party into chaos and may inspire a third-party candidacy.

A Ron Paul candidacy would also, however, cause chaos in the Democratic Party. What would the anti-war left do if the choice were between Paul and Obama, for instance? Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan and has continued drone strikes in Pakistan, while Paul wants a complete troop withdrawal from the region.

What would the Occupy Wall Street Movement do if the choice were between Paul and Obama? Obama received more campaign money from Wall Street executives than any other candidate in the 2008 race. Plus, he backed the bank bailouts that the Occupy Wall Street Movement has railed against.

Though still a long-shot, Ron Paul’s path to the presidency is more within the realm of possibility than many suggest.

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By In Politics

Scott Rasmussen on Ron Paul

Ron Paul also has been pretty consistent by reaching double digits in every Iowa poll. He also has some of the most devoted followers and a pretty strong organization. So he too is likely to feel pretty good when the votes are reported on January 3.

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By In Politics

Ron Paul is more Zionistic than GOP’ers

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By In Politics

New Poll has Ron Paul at 27.5%

A new Iowa State University/Gazette/KCRG poll of likely Republican caucus-goers puts the good Dr. at 27.5%. The difference between Paul’s supporters and the other likely caucus goers is that Paul’s supporters say they are definitely backing him, while other voters say they will support Newt/Romney, but may still change their minds.

This does not look good to the establishment who is having panic attacks at the prospect of a Paul victory in Iowa. There is a hidden fear that a Paul victory will boost his numbers in NH making him an even more formidable candidate in following states. Though the Iowa Governor has now made clear that a Ron Paul victory should be ignored, some out there in the liberal media and the conservative media believe that a Ron Paul victory is a clear sign of the congressman’s hard work and appeal to a vastly eclectic electorate.

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By In Politics

Why Conservatives need to embrace a sane foreign policy

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Carol Paul on Rand Paul and how to deal with the current lead

Jack Hunter offers some sobering thoughts on Ron Paul’s current lead.

Carol Paul: “Run like your ten points behind.”<>mobi onlineконтекстная реклама гуглэдворд

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By In Politics

Pentagon Says Iran is protecting itself from attack

The latest statement from the U.S. Department of Defense is a sure blow to many GOP candidates (except Ron Paul). GOP candidates blasted Paul in recent debates for saying that Iran could not hurt Israel. Congresswoman Bachmann viciously attacked Paul for stating that we should not intervene on Israel’s behalf. Paul made the case that Israel can defend herself. Bibi Netanyahu agrees by saying that Israel does not need America’s democracy or troops.

The U.S. Department of Defense says that “Iran’s nuclear program and its willingness to keep open the possibility of developing nuclear weapons is a central part of its deterrent strategy.” The Iranians want to ensure their survival against other smaller nations around them. They do not have the capacity to do Israel any harm.

The reality is this report may change the perspective of some, but doubtlessly it will be thrown aside as another useless piece by the many of the bellicose neo-conservative movement.<>поддержка интернет аseo поисковое продвижение ов

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By In Politics

Frum Found Wanting…Again

Conor Friedersdorf, not a libertarian conservative by any stretch, believes Paul is the best candidate…which leads me to believe Paul is the only one suitable to draw independent votes.<>самостоятельная регистрация а в каталогах

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