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Ron Paul Third in New Hampshire

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, is in 3rd in the latest New Hampshire Journal poll of New Hampshire Republican primary voters with 16 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who always polls well in New Hampshire, grabbed a first place finish with 29 percent of the votes. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gave Romney a run for his money with 27 percent of the votes. With a 2 point spread in the latest NH Journal poll, a first place finish in the New Hampshire primary may not be a given for Romney’s campaign.

Read more: http://www.thestatecolumn.com/texas/ron-paul-in-3rd-mitt-romney-loses-his-edge-in-new-hampshire-journal-poll/#ixzz1eAmAhfVA

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Iowa: Ron Paul

A recent Bloomberg News poll showed him in close second place in Iowa, behind Herman Cain and narrowly ahead of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The same poll showed more Iowa caucus-goers had been contacted by the Paul campaign than any of the other six GOP campaigns actively competing for the Jan. 3 caucuses.

Two weeks earlier, The Des Moines Register’s poll showed Paul in solid third place, behind Cain and Romney.

And Paul seems to have been able to sustain his support after finishing a close second in the Iowa GOP’s August straw poll, while straw poll winner Michele Bachmann, a Minnesota representative, has dipped in Iowa polls since. {Read Entire Story}

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Ron Paul Front-Runner

This is Big! Paul is second in a dead heat race in Iowa. Iowa is crucial to the Paul campaign. This latest poll is a much needed boost to Ron Paul who has been continuously avoided by the mainstream media.<>реклама на машинукак правильно подобрать ключевые слова

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Will the Real Ron Paul Please Stand?

The News Media is going insane over Rick Perry’s brain-freeze last night (take a listen). Perry attempting to prove a point to Ron Paul that he is equally as tough on cutting failed to mention the third department he would cut. As Drudge Report noted, it was 53 seconds of pure agony and embarrassment. But what the media has failed to mention is that Rick Perry is actually talking about cutting departments, not tinkering with them. Perry’s tough cuts talk was clouded by his lack of memory (let’s face it, it happens to all of us, but we are not on the national scene). All the candidates are in some sense trying to speak Paulian without giving him credit (though it should be noted Gingrich spoke favorably of Paul concerning the Federal Reserve). Everyone tries to be Ron Paul because they realize that his ideas have finally become ripened for consumption. Everyone tries to be Ron Paul, but there is only one; only one who is consistent–not you Mitt Romney–and faithful to his principles.<>проверка ключевых слов

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Iran and Nuclear Weapons

The hype about Iran’s nuclear weapons is getting explosive! Fox News Sunday (Christ Wallace)  led by their fearless neo-conservative commentator, Bill Kristol, says that Israel’s president is actually preparing to take down Iran’s facilities. All of this stems from the much anticipated report by the IAEA report. But contrary to popular assertions, Flynn Leverret summarizes well the report when he writes:

…Even if every single point in the IAEA’s report were absolutely, 100 percent true, it would mean that Iran is working systematically to master the skills it would need to fabricate nuclear weapons at some hypothetical point down the road, should it ever decide to do so.

The march to war would most likely put all the pressure on the U.S. to act on behalf of Israel, which would mean an additional decade of war in the Middle East. We cannot afford this fear talk all over again. –UB<> купить текста для а стоимость

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Who is Serious about Cutting Spending?

I am the only candidate with a serious plan to cut spending, balance the budget and promote freedom and prosperity, and I hope you will join me in working to restore America now.–Ron Paul
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By In Politics

Flat Tax is an Income tax

Laurence Vance summarizes Chodorov’s argument against an income tax of any sort:

Because the Flat Tax is still an income tax, it deserves the scorn heaped upon the income tax by Old Right stalwart Frank Chodorov in his book The Income Tax: Root of All Evil. As explained in this classic work, with an income tax the state says to its citizens: “Your earnings are not exclusively your own; we have a claim on them, and our claim precedes yours; we will allow you to keep some of it, because we recognize your need, not your right; but whatever we grant you for yourself is for us to decide. . . . The amount of your earnings that you may retain for yourself is determined by the needs of government, and you have nothing to say about it.”

Though I would probably be comfortable with Peter Schiff and Jeff Miller’s version of a fair tax (consumption tax; then at the very least you would still have the choice to use your income by making purchases as you please; of course the problem is that modern fair tax proposals would mean 30% in the final sale of all new goods and services; quite a stifling proposition), which is the idea of a consumption tax over an income tax (if these were the only choices, and they are not), both flat tax and fair tax advocates suffer a thousand deaths when their ideas are quickly analyzed. Ultimately the goal is to repeal the monstrous 16th amendment.<>определение позиции в выдаче

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By In Politics

Identity versus Philosophy

A stunningly accurate description about voting strategy by Jack Hunter:

Most voters do not think in philosophical terms. This is not to say they don’t have political philosophies. It’s just that they arrive at their politics—first and foremost—according to which politicians they like most.

This phenomenon is perhaps easiest to observe at the moment in Obama Democrats, who’ve seen so many liberal policy promises ignored or rejected now that their guy has become president. If the Left once hated the Patriot Act and our Middle East wars with a passion, under Obama that hatred and passion has evaporated as quickly as the antiwar movement. What liberals really despised was George W. Bush. Now that a Democrat continues with the same policies, the Left magically doesn’t find them so terrible anymore.

Sarah Palin is the new George W. Bush. This is not to insult the former Alaska governor, only to note that Palin has replaced the former president as a focus of Left hatred. Just ask the average liberal their opinion of Palin. The venom spewed in your direction won’t have much to do with any particular policies, it will instead be an immediate and emotional rejection of her very person, combined with some snarky tidbits about her accent or intelligence. Read more…

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Republicans Should Learn from Ron Paul

I am not foolish. I know a Paul candidacy is a long-shot, but it is a long-shot worth waiting for. Political thinkers need a careful strategy. Putting our vote behind the front-runner for fear that no matter how bad he is he is the only chance to beat Obama does not strike me as a helpful way to think about politics. Politics is a lot more complicated and thus, a patient, long-term strategy is best. Paul’s bold fiscal cuts are precisely what the Republicans need at this stage. If Paul will not win, his strategy will. The Orange County Register’s Editorial piece is quite helpful.<>для чего нужны копирайтерыпродвижение интернет магазинов

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Buchanan on the Coming Church/State Wars

This is a very frightening piece the great paleo-con who has been sounding the bells of doom for quite some time. We do well to read this.

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