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Ron Paul’s Consistency Mentioned in the Telegraph

Dr. Tim Stanley writes:

Things were settling down to a two-man fight when the anchors finally let Ron Paul speak. Interestingly, they used him to attack Perry from the Right. It was probably a cynical move (“Let’s unleash the old crazy guy on that smug SOB,” said someone in the control room). But in the long run it’ll do Paul a lot of good. It let him show off his conservative economic credentials against a field of career politicians. Perry talks like a Tea Party man, but he’s secretly a big spender and used to be a centrist Democrat. Ron Paul exposed that deftly and moved on to make his unique pitch as a libertarian who won’t yield on anything. The thing I love most about Dr Paul is how many wild ideas he fits into a thirty second answer. Last night we got abolish airport security, shut down disaster relief and end the war on drugs. As the field rearranges itself following the psychic shock of Perry entering the race, this kind of unhinged consistency sets Paul apart as the real candidate of the Right. Perry and Romney will get torn apart by their records. Ron Paul’s running on rhetoric, and it sounds mighty fine so far.

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An Open Letter to Gov. Rick Perry by Jesse Benton

An open letter from Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton

Dear Governor Perry,

After our campaign’s first ad highlighting your Big Government record and support for liberal Al Gore, your campaign is attacking Dr. Paul – missing the point of why your past is important.

We don’t think the fact that you used to be a Democrat is the big problem here.  The real problem is that, too often, you still act like one.  Even you yourself, Governor Perry, said of your party switch, “I will still vote the same principles, only with an R after my name.”

That’s the kind of thinking that has our country teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.  We cannot afford to nominate someone who thinks the letter next to their name is more important than what they believe.

Governor Perry, let me be clear: It is not that you supported Al Gore that worries us.

It is that you supported Hillary Clinton’s health care plan.

You pushed for a federal bailout and stimulus funds.

You support welfare for illegal immigrants.

You tried to forcibly vaccinate 12-year-old girls against sexually transmitted diseases by executive order.

You raised taxes twice.

And, state debt has more than doubled in your tenure as governor, pushing Texas to the brink of our constitutional debt limit.

It’s that you supported ALL of these bad ideas that are inconsistent with how most Republicans understand conservatism, yet you now try to swagger your way into the Tea Party.

Governor Perry, with all due respect, you have used great rhetoric.  But you will have to answer to the voters of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and across the country as to why that rhetoric does not match your record.

Truth indeed.  By the way, here’s the ad again.

For Liberty,

Jesse Benton
Campaign Chairman<>вак статья на заказ

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By In Politics

Did Paul Force Obama to Change His Mind?

Here is an interesting piece, which if true, may really be a demonstrable consequence of Ron Paul’s power in this election cycle. Michelle Tennant observes:

The Texas Congressman’s threat to prevent the President’s upcoming speech to Congress from occurring the same night as a Republican presidential candidates’ debate — a debate in which Paul will participate — may very well have been the deciding factor in forcing Obama to postpone his appearance.

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Ron Paul and the Theory of Evolution

So, an old 2007 interview has been used by liberals showing Paul believes evolution is a theory, which he does not accept. Watch the liberals make an issue of it again and again.<>контекстная реклама а что это

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By In Politics

Ten Reason for Voting for Ron Paul

Here is number 10:

10. Dr. Paul works a real job, has run a small a business and served in the military. He has been a physician for 40 years, co-owned a coin store for 12 years and was a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. National Guard for five years. That was how our country was set up — for public servants to work a real job that they returned to after their public service was done. He has real skills and is not a professional politician.

See the other nine.<>racer onlineподдержка ов яндекс

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Kudlow, Gold, and Ron Paul

Excellent interview:

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Has Iraq become more safe?

Here is a summary paragraph of the article:

“There was a thought that al Qaeda has ended in Iraq. No, they regrouped and now the third generation of al Qaeda is working actively to reorganise itself with weapons and training,” Lieutenant-General Hussein Kamal, Iraq’s deputy interior minister for intelligence, told Reuters

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By In Politics

Why Doesn’t the Government Put you on a Diet?

This is Paul at his best over 20 years ago:

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Ignored by the Media: 3rd Place in National Polls

John Thorpe in the San Francisco Chronicle summarizes the lack of attention given to Ron Paul despite his amazing show in national polling:

Ignored by the media and dismissed by the Republican Party in general, liberty-minded Congressman Ron Paul leaped into third place today in the Gallup Presidential Nomination preference poll. Paul jumped over Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party darling/lunatic, relegating her to fourth-place in the current poll. Here’s how the numbers shake out today.

  • Rick Perry, Texas Governor: 29%
  • Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts Governor: 17%
  • Ron Paul, Texas Congressman: 13%
  • Michele Bachmann, Minnesota Congresswoman: 10%

That’s right. Ron Paul jumped into third place…and the media continues to ignore his candidacy. I can’t explain it as anything other than outright bias against the man and his ideas.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/08/24/benzinga1881149.DTL#ixzz1W4EaOXOi<>mobi gameэффективная раскрутка ов

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Ron Paul Educating Rudy Giuliani

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