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What are the Differences?

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By In Politics

Is a Vote for Romney Sinful?

by Uriesou T Brito

As a contributor and administrator to Kuyperian Commentary, I do not view a vote for Romney a sin. Though I judge it as unwise, I am careful not to attribute the intentions of any as sinful. Most of these Romney supporters are making a difficult decision. Many of them do not find Romney attractive and have even less tolerance towards his record on a host of issues. But they are weighing the options, and the decision is straightforward.

Some Romney supporters are simply voting for a man whose name does not end with Obama. This argument is common and has been used over the years, but we simply have not heard it as loudly and vociferously pronounced as in our day. While this argument is not appealing to me, there is some merit to it. People are truly concerned about the future of this country, and this concern is legitimate to some extent. There is a great chance Obama will work day and night in his last four years to propel his agenda of a centralized government in every sphere. So the argument for Romney is not sinful, and neither is it absurd.

At the same time I find a vote for Romney more of the same. If the Bush years were difficult, the Romney years would demonstrate once again the inability of another Republican to live up to his Constitutional vows. A Romney win would rattle the Democrats, because the Democrats are rattled easily. But ultimately will it change the dynamics of U.S. Foreign Policy, Economics, and the FED? The answer is a resounding no. Romney and Obama share the same foreign policy. Their rhetoric sometimes differs, but they both operate from the same neo-conservative play book.  For Bill Kristol it’s a win-win.

Economically, there is no mention of the role of the Federal Reserve in the fantastically ridiculous economic woes. While we decry the current president’s policies, Republicans (with few exceptions) speak of the Federal Reserve’s role in bailing out international banks and tearing apart the value of the dollar.  There is no talk of cutting anything at this point. Paul Ryan’s strong rhetoric if ever implemented would only diminish the blood flow.

No, a vote for Romney is not a sinful vote. It is purely strategic; a strategy the contributors of Kuyperian Commentary will not follow.<>проверить индексацию а google

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Aid to the Muslim Brotherhood

The sign of the degeneracy of the current administration is its boldness in supporting neo-conservative ideologies. Bill Kristol once stated that he believed Obama did more for U.S. Foreign Policy than Bush, and that is saying something. The latest $450 Million dollars given (as part of the $1 Billion promised) is part of the aid promised by Obama to help in the new “democracy” of Egypt under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood.<>проверить индексацию а google

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Drones and Illegality

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar asserts that U.S. drones for the purpose of killing terrorists is legitimate, though she observes that “As the drones fly over the territory of Pakistan, it becomes an American war and the whole logic of this being our fight, in our own interest, is immediately put aside and again it is a war imposed on us.” She goes on to argue that the current strategy is illegal. The reason for so much anti-Americanism in Pakistan, she says, can be defined in one word: drones. But is it possible to pursue terrorists without casualties? U.S. history in previous years reveal this to be an impossible strategy.<>тиц pr а

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Rand Paul on Life

“We have a great many problems in this country to solve…but I believe there will come a time when we are all judged on whether or not we took a stand in defense of all life from the moment of conception until our last natural breath.” -Rand Paul, Kentucky Senator

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By In Politics

Romney’s 47% Strategy

Differences aside, Mitt Romney should run on the message of the Mother Jones series. Robert Laurie observes:

Instead of shrinking from it, Romney needs to take the battle over entitlement straight to the enemy, and ram it down their throats like an unpopular health care bill.

If he embraces the Mother Jones videos – if he is willing to embrace and articulate his conservative side – he’ll take the day on November 6th.  Democrats know this, and their reaction simply proves they’re terrified that he might just do it.

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By In Politics

“Israel is quite prepared to take care of itself,” says Joseph Farah

In this stunning piece of pure sobriety and logic, Farah offers a radical solution to the Middle East crisis.<>rpg mobile gameрекламные агентства сочи

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The Attacks Were Planned, says a Reporter

A retaliation for U.S. drones.<>разработка ов ценаанализ а оптимизация

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For Politicians to Remember

Nothing is more offensive to God than deceit in commerce. –Matthew Henry<>как правильно написать текст для главной страницы аоценить продвижение а

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Steve Macias and Unprincipled Pragmatism

Macias argues consistently and faithfully for a more robust view of the Christians’s mission in this world. This is a well-worth article.<>как проверить pr а

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