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Then, vote here. Ron Paul wins again.

Though Paul was snubbed, he won again according to Rockwell. 

So far in this evening’s post-analysis there has not been one mention of Ron Paul except when Anderson Cooper instead of saying Raw Politics said Ron Paul. What’s Cooper been thinking about lately?<>аналитика раскрутки а

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What Ron Paul needs to say tonight?

Here are two things Ron Paul needs to do tonight:

a) What Ron Paul needs to do tonight is to stress once again that he will bring the troops home immediately and then appeal to the families and say something like: “Father and Mothers, brothers and sisters-I promise you I will bring you sons and daughters home immediately as your president!”

b) Secondly, Paul needs to capitalize in his Giuliani reading list. He should say something like: Mr. Giuliani needs to read what I have given him; how can a man desire to be a president of the United States if he does not seek to understand foreign policy. I, on the other hand, understand foreign policy and understand Middle Eastern politics and that is why I should lead this country.<>plusmo.orgбизнес по продвижению ов

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America: Leave the Middle East!

The old argument used against those like Ron Paul who believe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be better off without American interfering in Middle Eastern foreign affairs has plenty of validity according to a new survey out by Zogby.

The idea according to the Neo-Cons is that if we leave Iraq or if we don’t attack Iran, the Middle East will enter a civil-war (hint: It has become a civil war due to American foreign policy). American foreign policy under Bush has enraged the Middle East and underscore what Ron Paul has said so many times: “Let the Middle East deal with their problems.”

The Arab American Institute (AAI) and Americans for Peace Now (APN) on Monday, June 4, will release the results of a new joint survey of Arab Americans and Jewish Americans showing a high level of support, among both communities, for a negotiated two-state peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The poll, conducted by Zogby International, also shows a low level of approval of President Bush’s handling of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as an intention, by voters in both communities, to support political candidates who commit to actively advancing the Arab-Israeli peace process. The poll reveals solid support for a more robust use of American diplomacy in the region, including in Washington’s policy toward Iran.

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Ron Paul interview

Ron Paul answers on foreign policy, Islamist radicals and much more: Click here<>google поисковикпродвижение а в rambler

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Ron Paul on Dennis Miller

I have just heard Ron Paul’s interview with Dennis Miller (the libertarian who defends the war). Dennis was gracious and allowed Ron to share his positions articulately. For that I am thankful. One of my curiosities regards the issue of the Constitution. No one ever challenges the unconstitutionality of a congress giving that right over to a president. If it is wrong, you do not perpetuate a wrong, you make it right-and you do so by bringing the troops home. Incidentally, I heard Governor Bill Richardson on Meet the Press argue taht we should take that authority away from the president and give it back to where it belongs – Congress.  (Of course, Richardson has changed his mind so many times that no one takes him seriously and no one should) This is Paul’s message. Dennis Miller told Ron Paul that he believes American troops will be in the Middle East for another 50-70 years battling Radical Islam. It appears Miller wants to spread the war all over the Middle East. What is he expecting? That 50 years from now they will suddenly all stop and say: “Hey, we love American foreign policy. Let us stop this war and love one another. ” How absurd of Mr. Miller!

The best option is to do what Ron Paul has talked about for over 4 years and that is to bring the troops home and honor them for their sacrifice.<>mobile online gameреклама интернет а

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Favorable Article…

I have to mention this excellent article in the National Review On-line about Ron Paul.

Then, if you have another 10 minutes, see this excellent video by John Stossel several years ago defending the only man in Congress who stands up to Constitutional Principles.

Video Link <>раскрутка на ютубе

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Ron Paul at Bill Maher

I saw the clip with Paul at Bill Maher and look forward hearing the entire program when it is uploaded into the podcast. After the interview Maher said he had never heard so much applause for a republican in his show before. Maher was gracious and allowed Ron Paul to share his position. Even Ben Affleck seemed to look with admiration at Ron Paul. Paul was bold enough to tell the audience that Rudy (or “Rude” as Rockwell prefers) is probably reading the assignment he gave him on foreign policy. Keep it up Paul!<>коперайтингрекламные агентства сочи

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In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?)

The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George.  I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power.  The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility, and out of self interest — for himself, his family, and the future of his country — to resist government abuse of power.  He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state. — Ron Paul

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Paul and Maher…

I confess: I subscribe to Bill Maher’s podcast on HBO. I realize, Maher is an atheist and despises Christian morality, but Maher makes sense once in a while. According to Maher, Ron Paul is his new hero and as a result he is bringing Ron Paul to California to be a part of the panel of three on his show. Believe it or not, Ben Affleck will be seated next to the future president of the United States, Ron Paul (hope never dies).

The very first thing you see when you subscribe to Maher’s podcast is the word: EXPLICIT. Maher’s language is a bit strong and the sexual innuendos abound throughout the show, but I bear it, not because I like it, but because when you dig around the filth you find some nuggets of truth. Those nuggets that you do not hear in FOX or CNN. Nuggets like, “we have to leave Iraq immediately” or “Ron Paul makes more sense than the Democrats and Republicans combined”, or “The Drug war has failed, let’s re-think this strategy.” Frankly, I am not so sure how Paul will do tomorrow night. Here you have these trained comedians with their one liners and then there is Ron Paul who enjoys beginning conversations with: ” The Constitution of the United States says…” Hey Bill, let the man talk…then you will see how much sense he really makes.

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By In Politics

How to end the War?

By Ron Paul 

Many of my colleagues, faced with the reality that the war in Iraq is not going well, line up to place all the blame on the president. The president “mismanaged” the war, they say. “It’s all the president’s fault,” they claim. In reality, much of the blame should rest with Congress, which shirked its constitutional duty to declare war and instead told the president to decide for himself whether or not to go to war.

More than four years into that war, Congress continues to avoid its constitutional responsibility to exercise policy oversight, particularly considering the fact that the original authorization no longer reflects the reality on the ground in Iraq.

According to the original authorization (Public Law 107-243) passed in late 2002, the president was authorized to use military force against Iraq to achieve the following two specific objectives only:

“(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and

(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq”

I was highly critical of the resolution at the time, because I don’t think the United States should ever go to war to enforce United Nations resolutions. I was also skeptical of the claim that Iraq posed a “continuing threat” to the United States.

As it turned out, Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, no al-Qaeda activity, and no ability to attack the United States. Regardless of this, however, when we look at the original authorization for the use of force it is clearly obvious that our military has met both objectives. Our military very quickly removed the regime of Saddam Hussein, against whom the United Nations resolutions were targeted. A government approved by the United States has been elected in post-Saddam Iraq, fulfilling the first objective of the authorization. (more…)

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