Tomorrow could be a huge day for pro-lifers. All over the United States thousands of Christians will be protesting Planned Parenthood. With over 300 protests planned around the country, several of my friends have indicated that this may end up being one of the largest pro-life demonstrations in history.
Tomorrow could also be a terrible day for pro-lifers. We will be on the stage and the world will be watching. Any minor infraction will be used against us to discredit what we are doing. The media will hunt for a way to destroy our momentum. Here are some tips for making sure the protests honor Christ. These are in no particular order. If you have other suggestions or disagree with a point make a comment.
1. Remember to evangelize. The immediate purpose of the protests is to make a point about Planned Parenthood and to prevent babies from being killed. But our ultimate goal is to bring people to Jesus Christ. Keep that in mind with the women going into the clinics, the doctors, the nurses, and those who oppose you. Tell them about Jesus and how he can cleanse them from all their sins. Make sure you are not just protesting, but you are also evangelizing. There is blood on the hands of those you will meet. They need to know how that bloodguilt can be taken away. Have brochures inviting people to church. Keep the big picture in mind.
2. Pray before going out, while protesting, upon returning home, and in the weeks that follow. Those of us who cannot go need to pray for those who will be there. Without the Lord’s aid we are hopeless. If we think numbers, resources, signs, organization, videos, or protests will bring us victory we are foolish. Prayer reminds us that this is the work of God. Pray hard, trust God, and then get to work.
3. Sing. Bring sheets with the Psalms on them for folks to sing. If the crowd does not know the Psalms then bring some common hymns that people can sing.
4. Bring your children or grandchildren. I would love to see dozens of children of all ages at these protests. Children will do at least two things. First, they are visual reminder that protesters are not just anti-abortion, but pro-children. We love children. Second, they will often keep those who are protesting in check. Let’s be honest if our child is watching we will usually watch our language and actions more closely .
5. Have good options for the those ladies who do not want to have an abortion. Are there brochures you can hand out? Are there people at your church who would adopt the baby? Are there care facilities where a single pregnant mom can get aid? Is there a place they can get a free ultrasound? Make sure there are Christian women there who can counsel these ladies, pray with them, and encourage them. Be ready with solutions for these women.
6. Know what the laws are and follow them. This is not the time or place for civil disobedience or stupid actions. Cameras will be on. Hundreds of protests could be quickly undermined by one foolish decision (I Peter 2:13-25).
7. Stay away from arguments that are a waste of time. People can get belligerent when you interrupt their freedom. Choose your battles wisely. Avoid any physical altercation. If you are a hothead, don’t go. If you feel yourself losing control, leave. Try to remain at peace with all men, while still making your point (Romans 12:18).
8. Set up a laptop or other device where people can watch the shorter videos from the Center for Medical Progress. For us it is hard to imagine not knowing about these videos. But many have not heard of them or seen them. Ask people if they would like to watch what Planned Parenthood has been doing. We have never had this resource before. Use it.
9. I would avoid signs that show dead babies. I would use less graphic signs that make it clear what you are protesting and then have the more graphic videos available.
10. Read sections of Scripture out loud. The Word of God is powerful. Read it before going out. Read it with people as you protest. Read it to those who are going in. Read some after the protest is over as well. Lean hard on God’s Word.
Here is the Protest Planned Parenthood website. If you need to find a protest in your area you can look there. All protests are scheduled from 9-11 am on Saturday, August 22nd.
Here is good article by John Piper on why he will be attending the protest in his hometown.