By In Culture, Politics, Sexuality

Praying against sexual sin every day in June

In light of the upcoming “Pride Month,” heralded by the LGBTQ community, the elders at my church have decided to pray against sexual sin every day in June. We are inviting our members to do the same, and we invite you to join us as well.

There’s been a lot of discussion recently among Christians on how to transform culture and governmental institutions. Some Christians are advocating a form of nationalism that sounds too close to fascism for comfort. Similar types are waging “meme-warfare” with white-pride-evangelism, as if that’s how you Christianize the world. It’s also an election year, wherein some Christians start acting like progressive leftists: “Get out the vote! It’s your moral duty!” And apparently: “Smash the Constitution!” (Lord, deliver us from Twitter.)

But what are the primary tools God has given his church? Worship and prayer. Regardless of your political stance and whether you vote or not, it is worship and prayer that transform the world. Not every Christian can vote, not every Christian can be a political activist. But every Christian can pray. We confess our sins to King Jesus and intercede on behalf of the world. This is our priestly service. Critics will call it retreatism, but this is how we wage war against evil. We fight by faith, not by sight.

This isn’t to say that we pray and do nothing else. We must be obedient in every circumstance the Lord puts us in, which for some people includes political activism. But don’t start thinking that that’s the way in which we win. We win by humbling ourselves before the Lord and imploring his mercy. Victory will not come from our own works, lest any man should boast. It must be given as a gift from God.

In June, consider praying strategically for those who are enslaved by sexual sin. Below are some bullet-points to assist you in prayer.

During the month of June, practice daily prayer for the following:

  • For all sinful, sexual desires and actions to be renounced and overcome. Examples include:
    • Heterosexual lust, premarital sex, adultery, depriving one’s spouse, unjust divorce.
    • All forms of homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, bestiality.
    • All forms of immodesty, pornography, prostitution, polygamy, rape, abortion.
  • For Christians to repent of and put off their sexual sins. That our remorse would be rightly ordered toward our sins first, then the sins of the world.
  • For sexual satisfaction in all Christian marriages and purity for all Christian singles.
  • For God to be merciful to our nation – and all nations – in spite of our sexual sins, and for him to deliver us from his judgment.
  • For God to reveal himself to those who are enslaved by sexual sin (including those you know personally), that they would be convicted of their sins, repent, and find restoration through Christ.
  • For the culture to put away its sexual sins. That biblical marriage and sexuality would be the norm for society. That the family unit would remain intact, with fathers leading the household and mothers raising their children.
  • For all who support sexual sin (celebrities, politicians, etc.) to cease promoting wickedness. That God would crush all attempts to normalize sexual sin.
  • For victims of sexual crime to find healing through Christ, and for their abusers to be brought to justice.

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