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What Happens the Day Before Easter?

The Passion Week provides vast theological emotions for the people of God. Palm Sunday commences with the entrance of a divine King riding on a donkey. He comes in ancient royal transportation. The royal procession concludes with a Crucified Messiah exalted on a tree.

The Church also celebrates Maundy Thursday as our Messiah provides a new commandment to love one another just as He loved us. We then proceed to sing of the anguish of that Good Friday as our blessed Lord is humiliated by soldiers and scolded by the unsavory words of the religious leaders of the day. As he walks to the Mount his pain testifies to Paul’s words that he suffered even to the point of death. But hidden in this glaringly distasteful mixture of blood, vinegar, and bruised flesh is the calmness of the day after our Lord’s crucifixion.

After fulfilling the great Davidic promise in Psalm 22, our Lord rests from his labors in the tomb. Whatever may have happened in those days prior to his resurrection, we know that Christ’s work was finished.

The Church calls this day Blessed Sabbath or more commonly, Holy Saturday. On this day our Lord reposed (rested) from his accomplishments. Many throughout history also believe that Holy Saturday is a fulfillment of Moses’ words:

God blessed the seventh day. This is the blessed Sabbath. This is the day of rest, on which the only-begotten Son of God rested from all His works . . .(Gen. 2:2)

The Church links this day with the creation account. On day seven Yahweh rested and enjoyed the fruit of his creation. Jesus Christ also rested in the rest given to him by the Father and enjoyed the fruits of the New Creation he began to establish and would be brought to light on the next day.

As Alexander Schmemann observed:

Now Christ, the Son of God through whom all things were created, has come to restore man to communion with God. He thereby completes creation. All things are again as they should be. His mission is consummated. On the Blessed Sabbath He rests from all His works.

Holy Saturday is a day of rest for God’s people; a foretaste of the true Rest that comes in the Risen Christ. The calmness of Holy Saturday makes room for the explosion of Easter Sunday. On this day, we remember that the darkness of the grave and the resting of the Son were only temporary for when a New Creation bursts into the scene the risen Lord of glory cannot contain his joy, and so he gives it to us.

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By In Politics, Theology

My Debt to Christian Reconstructionism

I came to Reformed theology through a very different door. While many of my friends were coming to it through the mainline Reformational figures–R.C. Sproul, et al.–I came through the doors of Christian Reconstructionism. I had heard and read Gary North before I ever heard of the popular Calvinist names of John MacArthur and John Piper. The first Gary North article I read as a young college student was on six-day creationism. At the time I felt rather offended by the suggestion. There was a type of dogmatism in Gary’s words that left an impression on me. It was not just that six-day creationism was right, it was that it was needed for all of life. Looking back, I think I am today much more sympathetic to that claim than when I first read it. I now pastor a congregation whose denomination embraces six-day creationism. But it wasn’t that which drew my attention. It was the claim that the Christian faith needed a cohesive, all encompassing paradigm. I was used to separating matters. And the thing about matter is that it is composed of atoms. And atoms are happily atomized. Keeping things distant from each other helped create this divided theology. What hath creation to do with eschatology? I answer this question very differently today because of Christian Reconstructionism.

North was on to something. He still is today publishing vociferously. He is filled with youthful vigor as he writes 2-3 essays a day. The man truly redeems the time. It was through North that I heard about Christian Reconstructionism. A friend of mine from college had been engaged with that movement for some time, and so one day he came into my room and offered me his Christian Recons. collection of journals. I took them all. I still have a few today. Most of them are available on-line for free. CR (Christian Reconstructionism) opened a vast world. In it, there was rich Reformed theology. There was the sovereignty of God topic, usually summarized b y the TULIP, but in the CR world that sovereignty spoke to areas like economics, history, education, and more. I had previously been exposed to the sovereignty of God only over individual salvation. I fought that battle for a while, but eventually gave in. It was too persuasive. Thanks to Michael Horton’s Putting Amazing Back into Grace. a But then CR told me that the sovereignty of God needed to be even more prominent in my thinking. How prominent? As prominent as the world. It further taught me that Reformed is not enough. That is, you cannot simply live with your systematic theology tattooed all over your body (metaphorically speaking), but you needed it tattooed all over the world. The law of God needed to be more than a reminder of an objective standard, but a reality lived out by the nations.

In short, CR’s emphasis on the totality of Jesus for all of life consumed me. It still does to this day. Differences aside–and I do have concerns; concerns with how that theology is articulated and pastorally communicated within the vestiges of this movement–the CR movement opened the world to me. I had been isolated for a long time. My denominational loyalties kept me imprisoned to a narrow view of life that lacked beauty and didn’t translate into much tangible fruit. But with CR, I was always struck by how much a small movement had produced. The movement was not new per se. It came from a long line of thinkers. Calvin embraced some of it in his Deuteronomy Commentary–though at other places he seems to contradict himself; I do have a theory as to why–ask me–Bucer spoke unabashedly about theocratic principles, the Puritans thought that the Gospel needed to be far more than a heart declaration, but a declaration that needed to affect its environment in tangible ways.

As the years have passed, I’ve had the privilege to meet many of these modern Reconstructionists, though I never met R.J. Rushdoony. My admiration continues for many of their insights. And many of those insights seem to be even more relevant today as this nation continues to entangle itself morally, socially, and in other ways in a fashion that belittles its glorious Puritan heritage.

CR led me to where I am today. It taught me to see the world in a more wholistic fashion. It taught me to appreciate elements of this world that I never thought would interest me. Paul says we are to give honor where honor is due. As I get a bit older and reflect upon my last 15 years of theological engagement I become more grateful for those early influences. I am learning not to despise them, despite some differences. I am learning to appreciate their incredible hard work in doing, saying, writing, and speaking ideas that were and are so contrary to the current evangelical ethos.

With this in mind, I’d like to offer five Reconstructionist principles that have helped me to think more biblically and that have shaped me today. Many outside of the CR movement may share these same ideas, but they were and are very central to Reconstructionist ideals. And yes, I am aware that CRs differ on a host of issues.

First, I am indebted to the labors of James B. Jordan b who taught me to think about the world through new eyes. Jim has always emphasized a healthy biblicism. He argues that the reason so many in the evangelical world fail to understand the implications of the Bible is because they suffer from a flawed hermeneutic. They have atomized revelation because they have failed to see the thread that runs through all of Scriptures. JBJ says that God’s revelation is not a piece of literature, it is God’s word, which means that it is layered with great mysteries that only the wise can see. Jim argues for the lunacy of unbelief. The reason unbelievers cannot understand the Bible is because without the Bible they are profoundly insane. It’s not that they can’t understand truth nor that they are incapable of saying anything true, but rather that they are theologically insane, and hence incapable of coherently formulating or speaking harmoniously truthful about the world.

Second, I am indebted to Gary North’s principles of economics. Though he has written so much about capitalism and its implications in society, I am more interested in his economic focus for the Church. His writings on tithing and its implication for the Church have shaped my understanding of the centrality of the Church. North argued that the Church is the center of charity.

Third, I am indebted to Rushdoony’s powerful expositions on the nature of education and the necessity of a distinctly Christian understanding of the Lordship of Jesus over the training and nurturing of our children (Deut. 6). Rushdoony says that education is inescapably messianic. Your children are either being nurtured by the true Messiah or a false one.

Fourth, I am indebted to Greg Bahnsen’s powerful ways of communicating Van Til’s apologetic. Were it not for Bahnsen’s popularizing of Van Til, Van Til would have remained a figure at Westminter Seminary’s archives. I know that some have continued Van Til’s legacy without the help of CR, but what was unique about Bahnsen’s popularizing of Van Til was that he saw Van Til’s model of “no neutrality” applying to a host of issues, beyond the apologetics methodology debate.

Finally, I am indebted to Gary Demar’s American Vision ministries (I should add the late David Chilton). It was through Gary’s book, Last Days Madness, that I was awakened to the flaws of Dispensational theology and the richness of Preterism. Gary has dedicated much of his career to awakening the evangelical mind to an alternative eschatology. His words have not gone unheeded. Many have begun to question their understanding of Revelation, and adopting a more consistent biblical method for understanding that glorious book.

For these reasons, and I am certain many others could be mentioned, I am indebted to Christian Reconstructionism. Reformed Theology has been enriched by the contributions of these scholars.<>продвижение а план

  1. The irony here is that Horton is decidedly anti-Reconstructionist  (back)
  2. some of these figures like James Jordan are no longer a part of that movement, though he was a very influential figure in it in the early days  (back)

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By In Books

Triple 1070 Personal Finance Curriculum: A Review

Textbook Triple_10701I’ve recently had the chance to review a personal finance curriculum geared toward home schoolers/private schoolers called “Triple 1070: Biblical Personal Finance.” It is a 13-week course incorporating biblical principles of stewardship into a textbook, workbook, cumulative tests, and a 6 DVD set that endeavors to create a reality-show about four young people touring America while learning about personal finances. Overall, I appreciate what Triple 1070 is attempting to do. However, this is not a blanket endorsement, as I will explain below.

From a “finance curriculum” standpoint, this series is essentially Dave Ramsey for teenagers, which I mean as a compliment. Dave’s been giving a lot of sound, financial advice for several years, and Triple 1070 has repackaged those principles into a format that is geared toward the “reality-show” generation. The name “Triple 1070” refers to the principle of saving 10%, investing 10%, giving 10%, and living off of 70% of your income. This can help to create an “emergency fund” with the savings, a plan for the future by investing, service to those around you through giving, and paying your monthly bills with the rest. Although this approach is not distinctively Christian, it does follow along well with principles of stewardship laid out in God’s Word.

The advice given to young people is to avoid debt if possible, pay off debt quickly when acquired, buy used instead of new, understand the laws that govern the economy, budget wisely, etc. As with all instructional aids we bring into our homes, we will find ourselves disagreeing with some details along the way, but overall, the Triple 1070 curriculum can provide some great opportunities for us as parents to enter into conversations with our high-schoolers, that might not have happened without provocation.

From a “production” standpoint, I think the DVD’s will be very successful. For all the emphasis we stress on the written word in our home, and for all the internal frustration caused to my inner man by even turning on a TV set, the reality is that when we go to grandma and grandpa’s house, the TV is on and the kids are mesmerized. Neil Postman ruined me, but perhaps if there’s going to be a TV around, we can put it to some productive uses. The production of the Triple 1070 “reality show” is very catchy. The jerky camera movement gives us old people fits, but for some reason that’s the way it’s being done now, and Triple 1070 does this at least as well as anyone else. The cast members are personable, respectful, and seem to genuinely care about the things they are learning. The advisors take principles that can be hard to understand and boil them down for the younger audience. I believe that if you use these videos and books to enter into conversation with your children about personal finances, this curriculum can serve as a catalyst and be of great benefit to your household.

For all of my “yays” there are a couple of “nays.” As I mentioned earlier, this is not a blanket endorsement. This curriculum is intended to be a “personal finance” curriculum as opposed to an “economics” or “history” curriculum, and Triple 1070 has tried to be faithful to that purpose. However, it would be nigh unto impossible to divorce the three entirely, and who would want to? When Triple 1070 moves from finances into macroeconomics, the content of the curriculum leaves much to be desired. Since the curriculum is endeavoring to present the economy from the perspective of “the way things are” as opposed to “the way they ought to be,” much gets taken for granted about the way things actually are. One example of this is in the chapter introducing the Fed. Without going into details here, the only source cited for the chapter is “History of the Federal Reserve, from” This website is a product of the Federal Reserve and tends to be highly uncritical of itself.

One other “nay” concerns the “biblical” nature of the curriculum. Since that term can be taken in a number of viable ways, I want to be charitable here, but “biblical” in the sense Triple 1070 is using it is a reference to principles which can be found in the Scriptures, along with bible verses about finances pasted on the TV screen in between segments. When I see the term “biblical”, I tend to get excited about exegesis, so their use of the term resulted in a little disappointment for me personally. This curriculum is nothing like a bible study, but once again, it could be used as a catalyst to get your children to ask some deeper, biblical questions than they may have asked otherwise. Then the exegesis can come from you or another teaching aid.

My recommendation would be that the Triple 1070 Personal Finance Curriculum should follow our children’s initial study of free market economics, rather than being that introduction. If you’re interested in using this curriculum, use it after your student has solid instruction in Austrian macroeconomics rather than before. After all, this is “personal finance curriculum,” not an economics course.

Here’s a link to their Facebook page.

Here’s a link to the company that produced it.

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