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To the Families of the Charleston Victims

The writers at Kuyperian give our most sincere condolences to the families of the victims who lost their lives in Charleston on June 17. One might wonder if the nation even remembers Charleston. In the span of two weeks we’ve already changed topics at least three times: to the Confederate flag, then Obamacare subsidies, and now the nationalization of gay marriage. Sometimes our attention span is too short for its own good. But we know that you have not moved on. We mourn with you and are praying that the peace of Christ would continue to fill your hearts and minds during this time.

In response to this tragic loss you were a witness of God’s mercy. When confronting the killer, you urged him to repent and offered him forgiveness. You followed the examples of Jesus and Stephen (Luke 23:34; Acts 7:60). Dylann Roof was an agent of death and yet you gave him the words of eternal life. That seems so foolish; it is antithetical to man’s every inclination. But your actions displayed the power of God (1 Cor. 1:18). You proclaimed the gospel to our nation and to the world. We are grateful for your testimony, as it encourages us to be so bold.

The nine people who died that night are playing a significant role in the growth of Christ’s kingdom. Though the killer was motivated by racial hatred we ought not forget that this tragedy took place in a church, directed towards Christians. Intended or not, this attack on race became an attack on the church simultaneously. (more…)

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