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My Baptist Obstacles: Did Circumcision Come from a Works-Based Religion?

Continuity Over Replacement

The waterfall above shows water moving from one level of land to another, but the water is continuous – the same water. Some things are different about the Old and New Testaments, but salvation and grace are not part of those things. Salvation and Grace are a constant – a continuity. What does this have to do with baptism?

One thing that held me back from understanding baptism was my complete misunderstanding of the Old Testament – I misunderstood salvation, I misunderstood the reason for Jewish markers like the law and circumcision – I thought circumcision was part of a works based religion. So it was hard for me to hear any connections between baptism and circumcision. But I was wrong.

This week I will discuss the gracious, non-works based salvation of the Old Testament. Next week I will discuss the salvation of Gentiles in the Old Testament and the reason circumcision was only for Jews.

So let’s find out whether circumcision came from a works based religion. Without further ado, let’s back up to my late childhood:

One year when I was youngish, after my father pen-marked my height in the paint of a hall doorway, I remember having a child’s epiphany. I remember working over a specific deep though while I looked at the ink line on the jamb up close to my eyes. It wasn’t about ink or height; it was about Christians being the true Jews. I ran to tell my parents: Jesus was a Jew. God had “started” Christianity from the truest teacher of the Jews – Jesus. That meant that our religion, Christianity was the faithful continuation of God’s true religion. We had the true Judaism, and it was they who had rejected Jesus who had left.

I admit that I was under-informed at that age about the complexities of the situation.


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By In Theology

Paedocommunion Series: God Really, Really Cares


Perugino, "Moses's Journey into Egypt and the Circumcision of His Son Eliez" (c 1482).

Perugino, “Moses’s Journey into Egypt and the Circumcision of His Son Eliez” (c 1482).


Is about Paedocommunion, but we are slowly working our way up to it. The first two posts were about the biblical teaching that we expect covenant children normatively to have faith from the womb (Paedofaith). Now we move on to Paedobaptism – by talking about Moses and circumcision. Eventually we will get to Paedocommunion proper.


To see Part 1: A Simple Experiment

To see Part 2: Some Kinda Faith or a Nuther





And Pharaoh.

Both made God mad enough to kill.



Israel had been promised an inheritance. A gift from their father. Israel was God’s firstborn son. As the son of the King of the earth, Israel would go out as Prince of the earth, ruling in God’s place – as a messenger, showing forth God’s image, and being a blessing to the world. God had sealed to Israel this promise of blessing all the nations of the earth eventually, but along the way, there would be some who did not treat them well. God would bless their benefactors, and curse their enemies.

I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. (Gen 12.3)

This is a story about one of Israel’s enemies, and about marking the difference in “mine” and “not mine.”



Israel had been marked as God’s son (more…)

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