Ring them bells, ye heathen
From the city that dreams
Ring them bells from the sanctuaries
’Cross the valleys and streams
For they’re deep and they’re wide
And the world’s on its side
And time is running backwards
And so is the bride
Ring them bells St. Peter
Bob Dylan, from “Ring Them Bells” / “Oh Mercy” / 1989
Where the four winds blow
Ring them bells with an iron hand
So the people will know
Oh, it’s rush hour now
On the wheel and the plow
And the sun is going down
Upon the sacred cow
Look at your calendar – or better yet, look at mine… you might have moved on to another date.

Today’s date is a palindrome. A chiasm – a thing the Bible is full of because God designed scripture and history that way. What goes up – comes down. What is divided is reunited. This is a great mystery sometimes. But a beautiful one. Bad things come undone. The arrogant are abased, and the poor are lifted up.
Every valley shall be exalted. And every hill made low.
Supreme courts court the idea of supremely reversing themselves. The White Witch is destroyed and Father Christmas starts passing out presents again as the shortest days of the year struggle to reverse themselves into longer light.