By In Culture

Homosexuality: What Conservative Christians Aren’t Saying, Are Asking, and Should Be Doing

By Peter Jones

Homosexuality has been a hot topic in the church for some time. The intensity of the debate has picked up as the homosexual movement has continued to push its agenda. What is most disconcerting is that the church continues to compromise.   This blog post is divided into three sections. First, things Christians are accused of saying about homosexuality, but usually aren’t. Second, important questions that must be answered in the sodomy debate. Third, how should the Church approach sodomy.

Are We Saying That? 

Conservative Christians are often accused of saying certain things when they are not. We have not been unclear on these points.  Wackos get all the press. But most conservative Christian leaders have faithfully and graciously spoken to the issue of sodomy. New books are being constantly written about how Christians should graciously interact with homosexuals. When someone accuses Christians of the things listed below it is usually a slander.

We are not saying that sodomy is the unforgivable sin. The Bible does not teach that sodomy is an unforgivable sin. All sins can be forgiven if someone repents and turns from them to Christ.  I Corinthians 6:9-11 lists homosexuals among those who have been washed. There may be Christians out there who think sodomy cannot be covered by the blood of Christ. But they are not in the center of the evangelical faith and they are wrong.

We are not encouraging people to hate homosexuals. The Bible does not teach that we hate homosexuals any more than it teaches that we hate murderers or adulterers or pedophiles. We tell them to repent and turn from their sins. Again, there are some Christians out there who hate sodomites, but these are on the fringe. I do not know of any evangelical leader who would encourage hatred of homosexuals. Of course, often the accusation of homophobia is against those who are calling homosexuals to repent. If the world sees calling homosexuals to repent as hatred, then we should all declare ourselves guilty.

We are not encouraging people to be afraid of or make fun of homosexuals.  Here some work needs to be done in the Christian circles. There is still this idea that homosexuals are “disgusting.”  Some of this comes from their practices.  Some of this comes from a junior high mentality that likes to poke fun at certain groups of people. As Christians, this is generally not acceptable. There are places to mock a homosexual agenda, but this should not be normal, especially as we talk with homosexuals one on one. They are bound for Hell. Their practices are disgusting. But so are the practices of the adulterer or the man addicted to porn or the proud self-righteous church goer. All sin disgusts God. We should stop being disgusted by them and start calling them to trust in Christ.  This is a more prevalent problem than the previous two, but it is still not what most leaders in the church call their flock to do.

Question Mark 1Three Key Questions

Here are three key questions that conservative Christians are asking when we talk about homosexuality.  My answers to the questions are in each paragraph, as well as a more comprehensive answer in the final section.

First, is a homosexual lifestyle, including lust and desire for homosexual relationships, consistent with faith in Christ? Can someone be a practicing homosexual and still trust in Christ? Is homosexuality a sin? Can we call homosexuals to repentance or are they just fine the way they are?  If someone will not stand up straight, look you in the eye, and say that homosexuality is a sin then he has seriously compromised in some area of his life. Anytime you get in a conversation with a Christian about sodomy ask them if they think it is a sin. If they waver or say something like, “Yes, but so is lying and we all do that,” you can be assured they have compromised.

The second question, if homosexuality is a sin, how should we approach those who practice it? How should we adomonish homosexuals in private and how should we combat the public assault by homosexuals on the Christian faith? Can we call them to repentance and expect them to change? Here is where our view of sanctification becomes the most important issue. Do we believe that Christ came just to forgive? Or do we believe that he came to help us conquer our sins? Do we believe that Christians are actually being made more holy in this life by the power of the Spirit and the Word? Or do we believe that we are all just sinners waiting to get to Heaven?

Third, how should we treat Christian leaders who have compromised on this particular issue? They are false prophets leading people to Hell.  As Mark Driscoll says, “Shoot the wolves.”  They are wolves. They need to be actively opposed by Christian leaders.  To sit by and oppose them in our minds is compromise.

What Should the Church Do About It? 

If sodomy is a sin then what follows?  What must a church do when she is confronted by a culture that wants us to embrace or at least allow for a sinful lifestyle?  Let’s begin by stating exactly what sin does. Here is a partial list.

Sin which is not repented of and turned from:

  1. Is displeasing to God. (I Thess. 4:1-12)
  2. Separates us from God. (Isaiah 59:1-3)
  3. Enslaves us. (John 8:34)
  4. Is unnatural. (Romans 1:26-27)
  5. Destroys relationships. (James 4:1-6)
  6. Destroys families. (David’s Adultery, II Samuel 11-19, Titus 1:10-11)
  7. Destroys cultures and cities. (II Kings 17:7-23,Rev. 16:19)
  8. Brings death and unfruitfulness.  (Romans 6:23)
  9. Blinds us to the truth. (Matthew 23:16, 17, 19 24, 26)
  10. Brings down the wrath of God. (Col. 3:6)
  11. Sends us to Hell.  (I Corinthians 6:9-10, Eph. 5:5-6, Gal. 5:19-21)

No Christian who loves Christ, has understood forgiveness, and loves his neighbor would want someone to remain in that state. So what must the Church do?

  1. She must faithfully and courageously preach the whole Bible. She must preach most clearly on those doctrines which the world finds most offensive.  Here is one of the key areas where the church has failed.
  2. She must faithfully preach Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. This means two things: First, as Savior, he has defeated sin and his blood covers all the sins of all those who trust in him. Second, as our Lord, he commands us to put off sinful desires and actions.
  3. She must faithfully preach that Christ has given his Spirit so that we might overcome our sins.  Those in Christ are freed from their sins.  Sodomy is not excluded.  This does not just mean forgiveness, but it also means victory over sin in our lives.
  4. She must faithfully show love to Christ, His Church, and to homosexuals by calling them to repent and turn from their sins.  This is to be done graciously, but without compromise.
  5. She must faithfully excommunicate Christians who refuse to turn from egregious sins. This includes sodomites, adulterers, thieves, liars, pedophiles, pornography addicts, Pharisees, abusive husbands, etc.  This must be done carefully and usually after many hours of pastoral care encouraging the member to put off the old man. But it must done.  The failure of God’s shepherds to faithfully protect God’s flock  has led to increasing compromise in many denominations and local churches.
  6. She must faithfully work to drive wolves out of the Church. Any teacher who proclaims that sodomy is an acceptable lifestyle for a Christian is a wolf who is allowing Satan to tear the lambs into pieces.  They must be fought against.
  7. She must expect the world to hate her and persecute her. To combat this hatred she must fight with faith in Christ, steadfastness in prayer, clinging to God’s Word, holy living, the communion of saints, faithful worship, and Biblical love for neighbor.

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