In all toil there is profit….
Proverbs 14.23
“Help Wanted” signs are up all over the country. Businesses are struggling, not only to find competent workers, but warm bodies who will show up. Jobs are available, but many people don’t want to work. On his November 2, 2021 show, Matt Walsh reported that three out of four unemployed able-bodied men of working age simply don’t want to work. Some of the biggest industries hit are the leisure and hospitality sectors. Vox, drawing data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, reports that there are 1.7 million job openings in the industries, ten percent of the entire industry, with another one million quitting. Theories concerning the loss of drive to work, especially among able-bodied men, are many. Some attribute it to low pay (although some places are paying higher wages than they ever have). Others attribute it to the government’s quantitative easing through printing money, extending and expanding unemployment benefits, and sending out stimulus checks, disincentivizing workers who make more staying home than they would at work. Walsh attributes the problem to despair and purposelessness.
A perfect storm is brewing that has been created between the
factors mentioned and many more that has already and will leave devastation in
its wake. But all of this gives us the opportunity to ask ourselves, “Why
do we work?” If work is only about getting a paycheck and the government
provides that, why shouldn’t I get on the dole like everyone else and ride this
gravy train until the last stop? The sheer mechanics of God’s world tell us
that this is unstainable. You have to engage in some level of work to continue
to survive. Remove producers from society and soon we will be covered with a
fruitless, unkempt world that will be our death.
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