
By In Counseling/Piety

Dealing With Shame Faithfully

“For we walk by faith and not by sight.” So says the apostle Paul in 2Cor 5.7. Paul is, of course, dealing with a particular issue there in that context, but this statement is a general principle of the Christian faith that he is applying to that context. Paul is laying down the way that all Christians must walk in every area of life: by faith. Faith is relying upon what God says and having your thoughts, actions, and desires shaped according to his word. Faith is thinking Christianly.

Learning this way of life is a struggle. We have enemies within and without. Our own sin that seeks to exalt itself and our own word of authority fight submission to what God says. We hear the voices of the world echoing the words of the devil, “Has God really said?…” God’s authority is challenged in our lives at every turn. We are tempted not to listen to him and exalt our own word or the words of others above his, conforming our lives to those words.


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By In Worship

Word Fishing Company

Jesus obviously knew a great deal about the Scriptures, demons, and healing people, but apparently, he didn’t know much about fishing. Simon, James, and John along with their fishing crews had been fishing all night on the Sea of Galilee and hadn’t caught anything. Jesus tells Simon to launch out into the deep and let down their nets for a catch. If Jesus knew anything about fishing in that region and with the sorts of nets with which they fished, he would know that you only use these nets at night. The nets were made from linen and were bright in the daylight hours. Fish could see and avoid them. This is why the fishermen fished at night and washed their nets in the morning (Luke 5.1ff.).

“Nevertheless, at your word I will let down the nets,” Simon faithfully acquiesces. None of the conditions were right. All Simon and his crew had to go on was Jesus’ word of command. In that command was the tacit promise that the venture would be a success.


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By In Theology

Thy Kingdom Come

On a daily basis around the world, Christians are praying as our Lord taught us, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” But what is it, exactly, that we are praying for?

We know from numerous places in Scripture that God sovereignly reigns over all things. There is never a moment in time in which God does not sustain every molecule in the universe by the word of his power (Heb 1.3). As Nebuchadnezzar confessed,

for his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say, “What have you done?” (Dan 4.34b-35)

Nothing at any time in history changes this kingship.


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By In Theology

Total Salvation

Seven hundred years before Jesus returned home to Nazareth after his forty-day testing in the wilderness, Isaiah prophesied of an Anointed One, a Messiah, who would come to glorify Israel and fulfill her purpose of bringing salvation to the Gentiles. When Jesus stands and reads from the scroll of Isaiah on that Sabbath in Nazareth, he tells his family and hometown friends, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears” (Lk 4.16-21). Jesus is the Anointed One who would announce that God’s promised salvation had begun.

The nature of his salvific mission is summarized in Isaiah’s prophecy:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away the oppressed/broken ones in pardon, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. (Isa 61.1-2a)


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By In Counseling/Piety

The Need for Approval

In the beginning, after the final act of creation was done, God saw everything that he made and declared it “very good.” This declaration included man himself, man and woman. Since that time man has had the need to be approved, vindicated, or justified in the eyes of God himself and those who represent him in our lives. Children need to hear “Well done” from their parents, reflecting the divine pleasure of God himself. A spouse needs to hear approval from the lips and attitude of his wife or her husband. The employee needs approval from his employer in the form of praise or pay. A peer needs vindication from his peer group that he is accepted. We are beings created with a need to be judged and found acceptable.

One of the problems we have in our sin is that we set up false gods, gods who make themselves readily available, to judge us by the wrong standards and give us the acceptance we crave. This vindication is quick and easy. The echo chambers we create in our society through social media and other avenues gives us a great cloud of judges surrounding us to tell us that we are accepted, that we are justified because of the way we think, act, talk, and the positions we take on issues. These gods are all too happy to grant us quickly the justification we long for, and we are all too happy to be satisfied with their judgments. The more they approve of us, the deeper our affection for these gods.


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By In Counseling/Piety

Some Thoughts on Lent & Fasting

Every year around this time the internet is flooded with essays and interviews concerning Lent: Should we observe it? If we observe it, how should we observe it? And so on. Good folks disagree about these issues. But it is a good discussion to be having. I thought I’d chime in on the issue. Hopefully, I can help keep people thinking through the issue.

First, let me clear some ground here. I agree with many of my brothers who despise some of the Lenten practices. There are people who have superstitious views of the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday, for instance. I’ve even heard of one church who set up shop in a local business so that you can get your ashes to go. This was a one-stop shop for groceries and a dose of humility and repentance. People who do this sort of thing are, in most cases, viewing the imposition of ashes as some type of talisman that is going to keep God off their backs for a little while longer. I have witnessed people through the years from many branches of the Christian church act as if the religious ritual itself (whether it is the imposition of ashes, fasting, attending worship, going to revival services, or whatever) was an end in itself. After you do the deed, then you are free to live any way you want outside of the time of that special rite. According to what God said through the prophet Isaiah in his opening salvo, he has never taken kindly to superstitious views of religious rituals (cf. Isa 1.10-20. Mind you, the rituals that God is condemning in Isaiah are the ones that he himself set up. These were not manmade rituals. These were God’s own rituals that were being abused by superstitious views.) Superstitious views of the imposition of ashes or even fasting have no place in the Christian Faith.


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By In Counseling/Piety, Theology

Jesus’ Temptation and Ours: Grasping for Glory

The Transfiguration of Jesus was a taste of future glory. Jesus ascended the mountain to pray, leading Peter, James, and John to join him. While there, the form of Jesus’ face changed and his clothes turned white, like flashing lightning (Lk 9.29). Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke to Jesus about the exodus that he was to accomplish soon in Jerusalem (Lk 9.31). This exodus event would involve his suffering, death, and resurrection, something about which Jesus spoke to his disciples before ascending the mountain (Lk 9.21-22). If any man desired to participate in the exodus and future glory of Christ, he would have to take up his cross daily and follow Christ (Lk 9.25-27).

Before Jesus ascended this mountain to receive a foretaste of future glory, he ascended another mountain. On this mountain, he wasn’t leading disciples. He was being led. On this mountain he would also be promised glory, feasting his eyes on all the kingdoms of the world. But this mountain-top experience was the anti-transfiguration, for it was the promise of the devil.


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By In Counseling/Piety

Jesus’ Temptation and Ours: Seeking Life from the Creation

Baptisms are glorious events. Looking at the baptism of Jesus, we understand why they are glorious events. Jesus’ baptism provides the archetypal pattern for every subsequent baptism into Christ. Whether infant or aged, when a person is baptized into Christ, heaven is opened, the Father declares the baptizand his loved child, and the Spirit is poured out. Though we don’t see all of these happen with the naked eye we know that they happen to us because they happened to Christ Jesus, the one with whom we share baptism.

But sharing Jesus’ baptism is not where our identity with Jesus ends. In baptism we come to share in the life of Christ, and that life moves from baptism into the wilderness. The Spirit poured out in baptism is the same Spirit that leads us into the wilderness to be tested by the devil (Lk 4.1-2). To be declared “son of God” in baptism is a vocation as much as it is a standing before the Father. Part and parcel to that vocation is to be tested in a world that is hostile to us by a Father who graciously withholds from us good things until the proper time.


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By In Theology

Jesus’ Baptism and Ours

The baptism of Jesus is recorded in some way, shape, or form in all four Gospels. Each evangelist emphasizes a specific aspect of Jesus’ baptism. Matthew looks at the whole ministry of Jesus through Mosaic lenses primarily and puts the baptism of Jesus in a flow of events that recalls the Exodus from Egypt. (There are resonances of this in Mark and Luke as well, but the Mosaic themes stand out in Matthew.) Mark focuses on Jesus as a new David and situates the telling of the story of his baptism in Davidic terms. Luke widens the scope out to the entire world and, with the genealogy of Jesus placed in conjunction with his baptism, homes in Jesus as the new and last Adam.

Luke’s primary concern, it seems, is to put to the forefront how Jesus is anointed to replace all of the old-world, first-Adam rulers he mentions at the beginning of chapter 3. In Christ God is making a new creation, and Jesus’ baptism is integral to that work. Through God’s actions at the baptism of Jesus, we see and hear the patterns clearly established in Genesis 1: the Spirit proceeds out of heaven and God speaks. In the beginning, we saw a formless and empty mass of water hanging in nothingness be shaped and filled. Here we see Jesus, the new creation; the one in whom all things consist. He is the new and last Adam who is appointed to have dominion over the creation by the blessing of being fruitful and multiplying with his bride.


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By In Counseling/Piety


Growing up in rural, Baptist, revivalistic culture in South Louisiana, I heard quite a few “turn or burn” sermons. People were warned of the horrors of hell and called to turn to Christ. I preached several of those sermons myself. Those types of sermons are appropriate on occasion. As I preached them on the street and in churches, what I found is that people wanted to turn from hell but not from sin. However, following Christ just doesn’t work that way.

When John the Baptizer bursts on the scene in the wilderness at the Jordan River, he proclaims a baptism of repentance. When people come to be baptized, instead of immediately welcoming and baptizing them, he calls them “a brood of vipers,” children of the serpent himself, and calls them to repentance. They ask, “What then shall we do?” He doesn’t tell them to seal the deal with a “sinner’s prayer.” Neither does he tell them that there is nothing they can do because salvation is a gift that doesn’t require one doing anything. He tells the ungenerous to be generous, the tax collecting thieves to stop stealing, and the bullying, extorting soldiers to be content with their wages (Lk 3.10-14). These are the fruits in keeping with repentance. This is what repentance looks like.


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