
By In Culture, Sexuality

A Masculinity Manifesto

I love it when various interests of mine converge in one place, and that’s the case with Romans 2:6-16. This passage brings together some of the themes I’ve emphasized in my teaching and writing on masculinity; of course, it’s also a key text in various so-called Federal Vision discussions, especially verses 6-7 and 13. When Paul says those who seek glory, honor, and immortality will be given eternal life, is he speaking hypothetically of those who seek to fulfill a covenant of works but obviously cannot? Or is that an actual description of what the faithful Christian life looks like? When he says the “doers of the law will be justified” is that hypothetical – if we could keep the covenant of works or keep the law perfectly, we could be justified by doing, but obviously that is not possible now? Or is it an actual description of what will happen to Christians at the final judgment, when our works are presented to the Lord and we hear the verdict, “Well done, good and faithful servant”?

I believe when Paul talks about God “rendering to each one, according to his works,” he’s not speaking hypothetically. I have developed the exegesis elsewhere (in essay form multiple times and sermon form multiple times with notes and further explanation), so I will not repeat that here. It should be obvious Paul is speaking of a real judgment to come at the last day. Likewise, when he talks about the “doers of the law” being justified in the eschatological judgment, it’s not hypothetical. He’s not talking about a covenant of works, or some kind of Pelagian system set up just to teach us we are sinners who cannot earn salvation. Rather, he’s talking about Christians, who conform imperfectly-but-truly to the law of God in their way of life. Christians do not fulfill the law perfectly, of course, but we do fulfill it to such a degree that we prove that we have been united to Christ by faith alone (cf. Romans 8:1-4). We are doers of the law, and we will be justified accordingly at the last day.

I especially love that line where Paul says God will give eternal life to those who seek glory, honor, and immortality. For Paul, this seeking is a matter of “patience” (a rough synonym for faith exercised over time in Paul’s writings, as we wait for God to keep his promises) and “well-doing” (a term for fulfilling the law in its new covenant form, which the Spirit empowers us to keep). But what does it mean to seek after glory, honor, and immortality? Some think it is a covenant of works, or even a pagan view, which Paul only mentions to refute. On the contrary, I think this is Paul’s way of summarizing what the Christian life is all about. As it turns out, it’s also a pretty good summary of what masculinity is all about. Let’s unpack it.

Unpacking Masculinity in Paul

If you were to talk to a church member and he was to tell you that he is seeking glory, honor, and immortality, you might think he’s left the reservation. You might wonder how a Christian could seek after glory and honor  — isn’t that selfish? Isn’t that too works-oriented? Isn’t that arrogant? You might tell him immortality is a gift you receive, not something you seek after. But this misses Paul’s point. In reality, seeking after glory, honor, and immortality is exactly the shape of the Christian life. It’s what a saved life looks like, it’s what a life following Christ looks like, it’s what life in the Spirit looks like. Seeking after glory, honor, and immortality is not sin, it’s the essence of the life of faith and the way to eternal life.

What is sin? In the next chapter, Paul says sin is falling short of the glory of God. Sin is missing the target. The target is glory. That means hitting the target is glorious. Or, to put it another way, obedience is glorious. Righteousness is glorious. Those who live righteous lives will be covered in glory; those who want to be righteous will seek after glory because you cannot seek righteousness without also seeking glory. But, someone might ask, aren’t we supposed to seek after God’s glory, not our own? I would respond: Why pit our glory against God’s glory? When David defeated Goliath, God got the glory. But that glory was also lavished on David. David sought God’s glory on the battlefield and, in doing so, sought after his own glory as well.

Seeking Glory

There is no reason to think of God’s glory as a zero-sum game, as if God getting glory means his people cannot get glory, or vice versa. There is certainly a glory unique to God that cannot be shared with any creature. But there is also a kind of glory that God is happy to share with his people. Indeed, one aspect of God’s glory is surrounding himself with a glorious people. God does not want us weak and glory-less. It is God’s glory to make his people strong and to glorify them. The end goal of our salvation is our glorification.


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