By In Church, Culture, Worship

Beware of Revolutionaries in the Church

As events were erupting yesterday afternoon, I took a pen and followed a trajectory of rebellion that appears in Jude. I preached 11 sermons on Jude and so much of it is pertinent in times like these. In my series, I argued that Jewish Zealots defending the “cause” of Abraham slithered into churches looking for revolutionaries to take arms. They ate at our church tables and made the case for violence against the current authority structures. They tried to seduce the Church to take their eyes off of Jesus to political causes that were deemed more important than the Church’s cause.

They attempted to seduce/persuade new believers and others that the greater cause is not the cause that plants seeds and waits generations to see fruit–the covenant view of ordinary faithfulness in parenting, worshipping, Christian education–but the immediate cause of revolution where we see fruit now through whatever means; a kind of over-realized eschatology. The pursuit of these kinds of political revolutions is a childish escape from responsibility. Rushdoony was right when he argued that many people like to believe that somewhere invisible rulers pull the strings which govern all of us … [Actually], the strings that pull us come out of our heart and mind.

In Jude, instead of blessing the peace-makers, the Zealots condemn those who continue to live quiet and peaceful lives chastising them for not meeting at the local chapter of the Jewish Zealot society. They have more zeal for these political revolutionary causes than the Church itself; their eyes are more glued to news cycles about overturning the state than the kingdom of God overturning Herod’s kingdom.

Beware of these Zealots who come wearing all sorts of hats–of the Left and the Right–in the church, espousing all sorts of conspiratorial causes. If the Church cannot condemn and rebuke her members rightly and speedily, they will do what is most natural to them–they will follow the ways of Korah and would rather draw others to their earthly causes than nearer to our blessed Lord.

2 Responses to Beware of Revolutionaries in the Church

  1. Kyle Williams says:

    Is there a link to that sermon series?

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