
By In Podcast

Episode 44, The Legacy of Greg Bahnsen, KC Podcast

In this interview, Pastor Uri Brito speaks to Andrew Sandlin, the president of the Center for Cultural Leadership. We discuss the legacy of Professor Greg Bahnsen and the lessons he left us as we celebrate the 23rd anniversary of his death.

Andrew was a friend of Dr. Bahnsen and one who continues the Bahnsenian legacy of faithfulness to the Scriptures and commitment to the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ over all areas of life.


The Bahnsen Book Library

The Bahnsen Audio Library

David Bahnsen honors his father.

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Episode 43, Interview with the President of New College Franklin, Greg Wilbur, KC Podcast

In this episode, Pastor Uri Brito speaks with the president of New College Franklin in Tennessee. New College is a classical college where students enter into the great conversation through the great works of western history and the significant philosophical questions of our day. Pastor Brito inquires about the uniqueness of New College in the modern educational environment as well as the kind of human beings this educational model produces in the workplace and in the church.


Greg Wilbur’s Music

Greg’s Twitter Account

The Pedagogy of New College Franklin

Augustine’s Confessions: New Translation by Sarah Ruden

Intro and Outro Music by George Reed



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By In Podcast

Episode 42, Interview with New Saint Andrews College President, KC Podcast

In this interview, Dustin Messer interviews NSA President Dr. Ben Merkle. Merkle discusses the vision of New Saint Andrews as well as what differentiates NSA from other traditional colleges. There is also an interesting discussion on how technology has shaped the college experience.

For more information on New Saint Andrews College, visit NSA’s website.

Ben’s books:

The White Horse King

Defending the Trinity in Reformed Palatinate


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By In Interviews, Podcast

Episode 41, Leslie Newbigin and Mission, KC Podcast

Esteemed theologian and missiologist Michael Goheen sits down with Dustin Messer to discuss ecclesiology, election, ecumenism, and other themes from his new book, The Church and its Vocation: Lesslie Newbigin’s Missionary Ecclesiology.  

Dr. Goheen has authored, co-authored, or edited ten books, including A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story(IVP, 2014), Introducing Christian Mission Today: Scripture, History, and Issues (Baker, 2011), and The Church and Its Vocation: Lesslie Newbigin’s Missional Ecclesiology (Baker, forthcoming, 2018). He spends time each year in Brazil and Hungary training pastoral leaders.

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By In Interviews, Podcast, Theology

Episode 40, Vocation as Sacred Work, KC Podcast

For our 40th show, Pastor Brito interviews KC contributor Pastor Dustin Messer concerning his recent piece published at the Theopolis Institute entitled Sacred Work in a Secular World. The discussion begins with a false distinction between “full-time Christian ministry” and “secular work” so mistakenly proclaimed in the evangelical church. Dustin traces the history of vocation in the work of the Reformer Martin Luther and articulates a fuller vision of vocation based on the creation account of Genesis. Messer concludes by discussing how he would encourage a young person who is uncertain about what vocation to pursue.

Additional Resources:

Sacred Work in a Secular World by Dustin Messer

Visions of Vocation by Steve Garber

Quotes from Interview:

“Most folks start in Genesis 3 to think about vocation…but if you start with the Fall explaining what’s wrong with work you can lead people to believe that work is just a necessary temporal good… We should go to Genesis 1 and ground your view of vocation in the creation of the world.”

“God is ruling over all creation through mortal humans and he has chosen a church for his mission so that what you do has real meaning and value.”

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By In Interviews, Podcast, Theology

Episode 39 of KC Podcast: Interview with Chris Larson of Ligonier Ministries

On this episode, we examined the recent State of the Church Theology Survey produced by Ligonier Ministries. Pastor Uri Brito interviews CEO and President of Ligonier Ministries, Chris Larson. We discuss the status of Ligonier Ministries after the death of its beloved president, R.C. Sproul, and also the state of theology survey which asks a host of questions to the evangelical population concerning the doctrine of Christ, salvation, and sexuality.

Chris Larson

Chris Larson is president and CEO of Ligonier Ministries. You can follow him on Twitter @ChrisLarson.

Additional Resources:

The State of Theology

A Renewed Mind, A Transformed Mind

Ligonier Ministries

Reflecting on the Life of R.C. Sproul

Quotes from Chris Larson in the Interview:

“The higher educated and the higher income brackets, the less orthodox people are across America.”

“Our politics and our sociology flow out of our theology.”

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By In Books, Podcast

Episode 38, KC Podcast, Interview with Dr. Gerald McDermott

In episode 38, Dustin Messer sits down with Gerald McDermott to discuss his newest book, Everyday Glory: The Revelation of God in All of Reality. Dr. McDermott holds the Anglican Chair of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School and ministers at Christ the King Church in Birmingham, AL. Before going to Beeson, McDermott was the Jordan-Trexler Professor of Religion at Roanoke College. This discussion covers diverse topics from McDermott’s book, namely Jonathan Edwards, sexuality, the #metoo movement, and whether all religions are the same.


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Episode 37, Interview with Alan Stout on Abortion, KC Podcast

In this interview, Pastor Uri Brito joins his fellow pastor at Providence Church, Alan Stout, to talk about Pastor Stout’s role in the pro-life work in Pensacola. He offers a brief history of the role Pensacola plays in the abortion debate, offers encouragement to those who wish to engage in defending the helpless and much more. You will want to share this episode.


Emerald Coast Coalition for Life

The Case for Life


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Episode 36, The Religious Context in Brazil with Fabricio De Moraes, KC PODCAST

In this episode, Pastor Uri Brito interviews one of the leading Reformed theological translators in Brazil, Dr. Fabricio Tavares de Moraes. Fabricio joined the Monergismo team who is responsible for translating into the Portuguese language some of the most important Reformed tomes ranging from Bavink to Van Til. In this episode, we discuss the religious context in Brazil including the relationship between religion and politics as well as the revival of Reformational literature in the country. This is an informative episode for those interested in the growth of Reformed theology in South America.

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By In Podcast

Episode 35, KC Podcast on the Social Justice Statement with Lisa Robinson and Dustin Messer

In this double dose of KC podcast,a Pastor Uri Brito interviews Lisa Robinsonb and Dustin Messerc on the recent Social Justice Statement.

Lisa Robinson observes that the whole counsel of Scripture portrays a creation that does not separate God’s salvation from His acts in and through Jesus Christ. Lisa observes:

Jesus was addressing the physical concerns of the people…and the social justice statement seems to set up a dichotomy of either you are for the gospel or you are for social justice as if those who can readily proclaim the Christian Gospel could not also be engaged and concerned for issues of social justice.”

For further study, Lisa recommends Al Mohler’s recent Q&A where he addresses directly the definition of social justice and Kevin DeYoung’s article.

Dustin Messer also joined the podcast to talk about the recent statement. Dustin affirms that though he agrees with many of the points in the statement, the statement ultimately offered enough false dichotomies to make it unhelpful. Dustin asserts that flattening out God’s justice may actually lead to greater danger in how the Christian views his role in society. Further, he affirms that the main problem with the parishioner in the pew is not the danger of a subtle Marxist ideology, but sheer apathy.

  1. 30-minute episode  (back)
  2. Read her article here  (back)
  3. You can read his article here  (back)

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