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KC Podcast, Episode 34, Interview with Os Guinness

“In his new book Last Call for Liberty: How America’s Genius for Freedom Has Become Its Greatest Threat Os Guinness offers a keen analysis of the current state of the West generally, and America particularly. Dustin Messer has a ranging discussion with Os, touching on Donald Trump, social justice, and religious freedom.”

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By In Interviews, Podcast

KC Podcast: Episode 33, Proverbs for Young Men

In this interview, Pastor Uri Brito interviews Rev. Mark Horne on his ongoing project on the book of Proverbs. Horne observes that while Proverbs is for everyone, it has a particular application for the young men. Proverbs’ themes and purposes are generally overlooked because of the pietistic way it has been read and the failure to grasp Proverbs’ place in the wisdom literature. You will want to listen to this interview.


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By In Books, Culture, Family and Children, Interviews, Men, Podcast, Politics, Scribblings

The Importance of Earnest Being

The digital ink spilled over Canadian clinical psychologist and author Jordan Peterson by now could fill a metaphorical ocean, but I want to venture what I think may be an unexplored cause of his popularity: his lack of guile or pretense.

Anyone who has spent any time in comment box debates or hasn’t been living in an undersea cave since the 2016 presidential election knows the tone of news commentary, opinion writing, and even journalism has taken a nasty turn. Of course, if you had asked someone following the 2012 election whether the partisan rancor in America could get any worse, he might have shrugged and said, “I don’t see how.” That person is probably hiding in a dark place right now, embarrassed by his lack of imagination.

Image result for jordan peterson beard

It’s not enough to disagree with someone, anymore. If a person favors a different policy, has come to a different quotient after dividing the benefits of his or her political party by its drawbacks, or even fails to subscribe to an ascendant gender theory of more recent provenance than my five-year-old daughter, such a person is not merely wrong. He or she is too stupid to be classified as a vertebrate (in which case we mock), or else irredeemably wicked (in which case we call him or her a Nazi or a Cultural Marxist). These mutually exclusive attacks are alternated from day to day, often against the same people.

But what if not just merely wrong, but pitiably wrong–even deceived–were still serviceable categories? What if instead of automatically sorting ourselves into warring ideological or partisan factions hurling insults and abuse at one another, we called a ceasefire, met on neutral ground, and admitted, “Hey, I am just playing the part I thought I was supposed to play, but I don’t really think you are a venomous arthropod. Let’s calm down and figure this out.”?

That’s where Jordan Peterson seems to be coming from. (more…)

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By In Podcast

Episode 32, Music in the Church with Jarrod Richey, KC Podcast

On this episode, Pastor Brito interviews Mr. Jarrod Richey. Jarrod is a gifted musician and thinker. He directs the Jubilate Deo Music Camp (Rejoice in the Lord) every summer in Munroe, LA. The camp provides an opportunity to saturate students in the wonder of God in music, but it also adds art and dancing to their experience. Students from 4th-12th grade spend a wonderful week learning about a particular theme in the Scriptures culminating in a concert on the last Sunday on the theme which they have immersed all week.

Jarrod Richey is an avid apologist for church music. In this interview, he discusses the reason music has taken such a secondary role in the life of the church. “Individualism in worship has hurt the cause of music. Music in history was something you did for others, but after the Enlightenment, music has become about how I feel,” he observes. Richey further notes, “You can’t miss the imperative to sing joyfully…the historical understanding of singing is that the Triune God sings first and we follow.”

This is an important episode. Please listen and share.


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By In Interviews, Podcast

Episode 31: Apocalyptic Novels with Brian Godawa

The Left Behind Series was captivating because of its fast-paced rhythm and its dispensational appeal. It sold millions of copies. But imagine if a work of fiction was published based on an eschatological position that has gravitas in Church History but also a work of fiction which is based on actual historical events! This is what Hollywood Screenwriter Brian Godawa does in his new series The Chronicles of the Apocalypse. 

In this interview with Pastor Uri Brito, Brian delves into controversial theological areas and explains his rationale behind this successful series. Take a listen and visit godawa.com for more resources on worldview and writing.

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By In Podcast, Theology

Episode 30: Baptisms in the Bible: Fire, Spirit, and Water

Does baptism save? What is the role of the Spirit in baptism? What is the nature and significance of our baptisms today? These questions and others are the focus of this insightful podcast. Pastor Uri Brito speaks with Pastor Adam McIntosh who recently published a three-part essay developing the connections of fire, water, and Spirit to baptisms (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). Adam uses his charismatic background to develop the contrast between a sacramental view and the non-sacramental views found in the charismatic and broad evangelical traditions. Adam hopes that these essays will provide a helpful introduction of the various baptisms found throughout the Bible foundational for how we are to understand baptism in the New Covenant.


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By In Podcast, Theology

Episode 29: The History of Infant Baptism

The debate over the proper recipients of baptism is a long one. While the biblical text takes a primary role in shaping our view of baptism, we are also a people incorporated into a holy, catholic, and apostolic church. While tradition does not solve this question for us, it certainly orients our attention to the way the Church has considered the issue of baptism for centuries. In this conversation, Pastor Uri Brito interviews Dr. Tim LeCroy on the history of infant baptism. His article can be found here. The discussion is quite interesting and will shed some light on this important topic.

Pastor Tim LeCroy blogs here.

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By In Podcast, Politics

Episode 28, Fake News and the Christian Responsibility

On this episode, KC contributors Uri Brito and Dustin Messer discuss the nature of fake news. Dustin recently contributed to the discussion by writing on the recent debate over Donald Trump’s “These are Animals” comment.

Dustin concludes that “Journalists indeed need more integrity, but so too do we need more empathy. Until we’re able to see the villain in our tribe (and, indeed, ourselves) and the hero in the other tribe, we’ll keep getting half the story.”

This discussion also touches on the responsibility of Christians to share and engage the news. We hope you will enjoy and share this discussion. Please leave a comment.

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By In Podcast

Episode 27: Autism and the Church

In this episode of the Kuyperian Commentary Podcast, Pastor Uri Brito discusses the role of the Church toward the autistic community. His guests on this episode are Tim and Christine Russell.

“Parenting a child with autism is a difficult and lonely world,” (more…)

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By In Podcast

Episode 26: Billy Graham & The End of an Era

The Rev. Billy Graham died on February 21, 2018, just shy of his 100th birthday. In this episode of the Kuyperian Commentary, Pastor Uri Brito and Dustin Messer discuss the important role that Billy Graham plays in the sociology of American Christianity.

“He [Graham] was just this larger-than-life personality,” remarked Dustin Messer, “who was able to rally such disparate fractions of Christendom in a way very few were able to do before him—and certainly no one is able to do today.”

Pastor Uri Brito reflects on Graham’s commitment to simplicity, personal integrity, and prayer. “Billy Graham maintained and preserved, what we would call, a very simple message and definition of the Gospel in full reliance on the Holy Spirit.”

The world of Evangelicalism in the West was shaped by men like Billy Graham and the two explore what the future of American Christianity might look like in the next generation of Evangelicalism.

The two also discuss the legacy of Billy Graham as the scorn of both theological liberals and Christian fundamentalists.

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