
By In Politics

George Will and Non-Interventionism

Will’s last post is a fascinating reality check. He writes:

Between wishing success to people fighting for freedom, and sending in the Marines (or the drones), there is as much middle ground for temperate people as there is between Buchanan, a sort of come-home-America conservative, and McCain, a promiscuous interventionist. When asked his response to those, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who say there was no vital U.S. interest at stake when the Libya intervention began, McCain said: “Our interests are our values” and “our values are that we don’t want people needlessly slaughtered by the thousands,” as Muammar Gaddafi seemed to threaten to do, “if we can prevent such activity.” Under the McCain Doctrine, America’s military would have just begun to fight, and would never stop.

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By In Politics

Ron Paul and John McCain

In 2008, I was absolutely shocked that John McCain actually mustered up enough support to win the primary. I wondered where it came from. I had been an avid Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin listener since 1999 and I knew damned well that those guys could not stand McCain. McCain has not had traditional support from the so called ‘conservative gatekeepers’, which includes Rush Limbaugh – who actually has several very funny parodies of McCain; Sean Hannity who hasn’t ever had much good to say about McCain except about his war position and military service. Then there is Mark Levin, who actually could not stand McCain as a candidate in 2008, but now is an odd bedfellow with McCain supporting Obama’s unconstitutional War in Libya, while claiming to be a Constitutional scholar. Why is this information even important? Read the Rest…

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By In Politics

Paul on the News

Ron Paul has become lately a sort of go-to guy on just about any issue ranging from economy, war, and drug legalization. Some men never get to see their ideologies becoming mainstream. It seems that the 75 year old candidate is beginning to see that now.<>создание и поддержка асоздать sitemap онлайн

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Dylan Ratigan’s Great Interview with Ron Paul

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The Case for Gold

Here is a free PDF copy of The Case for Gold by Ron Paul.<>стоимость услуг копирайтераплан продвижения ов

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By In Politics

Ron Paul at 12% on Dick Morris Poll

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Ron Paul and Andrew Napolitano Ticket

Paul, a Texas congressman and critic of the Federal Reserve, mentioned a former New Jersey judge and current Fox News talk show host — Andrew Napolitano — as a potential running mate, in an interview withTheStreet’s Alix Steel in Washington this week.<>online game for mobileпрайсы на контекстную рекламу

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Tom Woods Defending Ron Paul Against Democrats

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The Media and Ron Paul

One commenter named Xenu writes:

I do like Ron Paul a lot. He lacks any of the dysfunction of the other politicians. The media says he cannot win, but that is because they do not want him to. Ron Paul is bad for the media business circus. No scandal and all sense. What would happen to the news?


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By In Politics

Ron Paul on the Rise

A terrific piece on Ron Paul by NRO.<>инструменты копирайтерареклама на discovery

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