
By In Politics

Ron Paul on the Ignoring of the War Power Resolution

Paul even referenced the long term impact of ignoring the constitution and the War Powers Resolution. “The American people are sick and tired of it. It’s draining us, it’s draining us financially and now we’re into…Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya.” Paul ended his speech by demanding that the executive branch give back to congress the power to send American troops into war. “It should be up to us when we got to war and not to the executive branch,” said Paul.

Read more: http://www.thestatecolumn.com/capitol/ron-paul-on-libya-this-is-a-mess/#ixzz1NTpRCY84<>стоимость раскрутки а

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By In Politics

Vote Ron Paul in the WSJ Poll

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By In Politics

Ron Paul on Marriage

According to Radio Iowa, Paul said that he believes marriage laws should be determined by the states, but called on the Obama administration to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as being between one man and one woman.

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Rand Paul on the Extension of the Patriot Act

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By In Politics

Ron Paul Second in NH

Texas Rep. Ron Paul is performing well in the latest CNN poll of potential Republican primary voters.

Read more: http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/rep-ron-paul-takes-second-in-new-hampshire-cnn-poll/#ixzz1NIM5RFQd<>реклама окон пвх

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By In Politics

Obama and Bush Kept Us Safe

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By In Politics

Interview with Jesse Ventura

This was a very thorough with Jesse. I disagree with much of his social policy, but this is a good detailed overview of Ventura’s life.

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By In Politics

Register Republican to Vote for Ron Paul in Republican Primary

This needs to be spread so one can vote for Dr. Paul in the primaries:

Alabama – http://bit.ly/m8iXB9
Alaska – http://bit.ly/ixq9ml
Arizona – http://bit.ly/liS1rd
Arkansas – http://bit.ly/mtXa0k
California – http://1.usa.gov/kTvHHS
Colorado – http://bit.ly/jmIiql
Connecticut – http://1.usa.gov/jsCIDa
Delaware – http://bit.ly/mzNz2J
DoC – http://bit.ly/mAlucA
Florida – http://bit.ly/jSttph
Georgia – http://bit.ly/jI374H
Hawaii – http://1.usa.gov/iwPooU
Idaho – http://bit.ly/j9ClhC
Illinois – http://bit.ly/lqbnDh
Indiana – http://bit.ly/jvpvmZ
Iowa – http://bit.ly/iY8z0F
Kansas – http://bit.ly/lMQuGK
Kentucky – http://bit.ly/kuf7xF
Louisiana – http://bit.ly/m7K4jm
Maine – http://1.usa.gov/lww9v4
Maryland – http://bit.ly/k9k7WB
Massachusetts – http://bit.ly/mb47kS
Michigan – http://1.usa.gov/komUk7
Minnesota – http://bit.ly/ivFi3m
Mississippi – http://1.usa.gov/kU98aI
Missouri – http://1.usa.gov/iZrZzZ
Montana – http://bit.ly/jtdc4q
Nebraska – http://1.usa.gov/l5X6OH
Nevada – http://bit.ly/l9EnAW
New Hampshire – http://1.usa.gov/kmhu1c
New Jersey – http://bit.ly/iOyk5c
New Mexico – http://bit.ly/jWaH0l
New York – http://www.elections.state.ny.us/
North Carolina – http://bit.ly/mrLWE5
North Dakota – No voter registration required
Northern Mariana – http://bit.ly/iXm9EP
Ohio – http://bit.ly/mz4R6C
Oklahoma – http://1.usa.gov/myRdzs
Oregon – http://bit.ly/kG8jil
Pennsylvania – http://bit.ly/mqHvKQ
Puerto Rico – http://bit.ly/madnek
Rhode Island – http://bit.ly/iixR13
South Carolina – http://bit.ly/mrt53g
South Dakota – http://1.usa.gov/kctZMj
Tennessee – http://1.usa.gov/mnDU3i
Texas – http://bit.ly/lQmZ1L
Utah – http://1.usa.gov/lgGYt7
Vermont – http://bit.ly/lWRNBG
Virginia – http://1.usa.gov/iAF6ZD
Virgin Islands – http://bit.ly/jBgQRg
Washington – http://bit.ly/lvPqp7
West Virginia – http://bit.ly/lxghTC
Wisconsin – http://bit.ly/j5PDmf
Wyoming – http://bit.ly/m9Cg2Z

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By In Politics

Bill Kristol Supports Obama

Jeff Poor writes:

It’s not an endorsement Barack Obama probably expected — or wanted — but Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol gave the president high marks for his recent foreign policy gestures.

In his “You’ve come a long way, baby” post Monday night, Kristol praised Obama for his address to the American people about the action he took against Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. On Wednesday’s “Red Eye” on the Fox News Channel, Kristol took things a step further and declared Obama “a born-again neo-con.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/30/bill-kristol-declares-obama-a-born-again-neo-con-days-after-consulting-with-him-on-libya-policy/#ixzz1MusB9MRv

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By In Politics

Steve Deace on Mitt Romney’s Meltdown and

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