As Jesus entered Jerusalem upon the colt, people were laying
their cloaks on the road and proclaiming “Blessed is the king who comes in the
name of the Lord!” (Lk 19.35-38) King. What does that mean? God himself defined
this kingship at the beginning of history, and Luke guides us to see just what
“king” means.
At his baptism, Jesus is declared to be God’s beloved son.
Immediately following the record of Jesus’ baptism, Luke records the genealogy
of Jesus that traces Jesus’ lineage all the way back to Adam, “the son of God”
(Lk 3.21-38). Jesus is the second and last Adam, a truth that Luke’s apostolic
companion, Paul, makes clear in his letters (Rom 5.12-21; 1Cor 15.45-49). Adam
was creation’s original son of God. He was the image of God, the one was to
live in the fullness of union and communion with God, the representative head
of creation, and, as such, the one who had the responsibility as creation’s king to take dominion over the creation,
moving it from glory to glory until the earth looked like God’s heaven. Adam
was to cultivate the world, from gardens to culture, building houses and
cities, being fruitful and multiplying and filling the earth. He was creation’s
king (see Ps 8; see also Heb 1–2).
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