When President Biden declared Easter Sunday “Transgender Visibility Day,” American Christians took to social media platforms to express their outrage at a blatant finger in the eye to Christ and his church. It is not enough that the White House pushes this LGBTQ+ agenda throughout the year, giving an entire month to celebrate these sins that disorder and destroy. Now, they are trying to re-order the Christian calendar, which has set the rhythms of American life from its earliest days. The agenda is clear: we are at war with the Christian faith and want to see its vestiges wiped out of our society. People hate God. They don’t hate the concept of “god.” They don’t hate certain gods. They hate the God who has revealed himself in the Person of Jesus. The one true and living God.
Hatred of God runs deeper than you might think. What the Biden administration did is obvious hostility, but the truth is that hatred of God is endemic to all humans, including you.