By In Scribblings

Contact Your Elected Officials

American Family Association has set up a form to contact your Senators and Representatives and ask them to defund Planned Parenthood and investigate the selling of baby parts.  It is easy to use.  If you type in your zip code it will automatically load your elected officials and then you can send them a message. Based on recent choices by our politicians I am not sure this will do much, but it is still worth letting our elected officials know where we stand.

Here is the link to the portion of AFA’s website where you can do this. If you click on the section titled “Advocacy Campaigns” and then click on the first one listed, “Tell Congress: Defund….” it should take you to the right spot.

Below is the message I sent.  The bold part is what the AFA already has in the message. You can delete this portion and put in your own message. Or you can add to it as I have done here. AFA automatically adds a “To Whom It May Concern.”

I am grateful for all the service you perform on behalf of our state and our country. Many of us do not realize the long hours you put in and the difficult decisions you have to make on our behalf.

As a taxpayer, I am deeply disturbed by the recent news and video exposing Planned Parenthood’s barbaric practice of selective harvesting and selling of baby parts.

I am equally troubled by the fact that my tax-dollars are being used to help fund Planned Parenthood’s despicable actions. This should not be!

With millions of American families struggling to make ends meet, I urge you to do the right thing by cutting off all federal funding to Planned Parenthood and returning the money back to its rightful owner, me, the taxpayer.

In addition, I support House Speaker John Boehner’s call for Congress to investigate Planned Parenthood for the illegal trafficking of human body parts.

I am a minister who believes the Scriptures show that life begins at conception (Psalm 139:13-16) and that justice dictates that no one be killed who has not committed a crime worthy of death (Genesis 9:6). Therefore unborn children deserve to live. Killing them is not an act of love, but rather the unjust taking of an innocent life.

I also believe that the Scriptures and Jesus taught us to love the poor. Planned Parenthood preys on the poor while their executives make millions of dollars. They tell low income women that their lives will be better if they kill their child. But that is not true. Abortion survivors are racked by guilt and many children born into difficult financial situations grow up to lead full and satisfying lives. The weakest among us, unborn children, are destroyed by the strong. This should not be.

We also know that children are the future of our country. We need more sons and daughters to keep our state and our country growing. These young ones will grow up to build houses, invent things, defeat diseases, run for office, etc. They are the lifeblood of our future. Why would we kill them?

They are people not fetuses. They are poor and weak and therefore need our protection, not laws allowing people to kill them for profit. They are the future of our state and country. Why would we slowly drain our own blood?

Therefore I urge you and exhort you to defund Planned Parenthood, to launch an investigation into the selling of baby parts, and to work for the complete abolition of abortion in our state and country  just as our fathers worked for the abolition of slavery.

With Thanks for Your Service,
Peter Jones,Pastor of Christ Church of Morgantown

Father of Nine

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