By In Pro-Life

Dan Savage’s Savage World

The predictably and ferociously anti-life and anti-God, Dan Savage, opines whenever a microphone is available. While some in the homosexual community attempt to keep their lifestyles away from public scrutiny, Savage is harsh, indecent, and hateful towards those who oppose his viewpoint. He is part of the growing intolerista movement, to use a phrase coined by Douglas Wilson.

In a panel discussion, Savage was asked what dangerous idea would be good for society. Savage’s  response was population control. Not satisfied with that, he continued, “I think abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years.” There it is! The real sentiment of the radical gay and diversity movement. Savage’s world is savage towards the weak and defenseless. His world offers  a vision of mass murder and mass imposition of the will. Dan Savage may argue that he wants the right to be able to have their voice in the process, but ultimately, again to quote Wilson:

Diversity has 2 fundamental tenets, as far as I’ve been able to glean from my interaction with the tolerance police. The first is that they have an absolute commitment to free speech, the second tenet is “shut up!”

Diversity is self-defeating. Savage wants silence from those who claim the God who knows us intimately (Psalm 139).

Peter Hitchens observed that “All revolutionaries claim to be fighting the oppression of other people, when in fact they are fighting for their agenda.” Savage is fighting for a distinct agenda, which proves that this debate is a debate for the supremacy of a god over a culture and society. One god claims that a society ought to function with a remarkable level of disorientation; that Edenic and traditional claims ought to be reversed for a more multi-colored society where no one moral code rules. The other God, the Triune God of Scriptures, expresses an orderly world composed of divine laws established for our safety and joy.

Dan Savage’s brutal world is the conclusion of the worldview he espouses. His life view is the result of a chaotic beginning with no order or purpose; a life view which only comports with the obliteration of the unborn. Savage’s savagery is nothing more than consistent atheism.<>pudgehost.netраскрутка интернет магазин

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