One of the great joys of a reformed, typological reading of the Scriptures is that I keep finding more and more connections between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Of course, I always saw the connections when there was a direct quote, such as Matthew quoting Isaiah. But as I read the Scriptures more I see deep connections between books like Leviticus and Matthew or Romans and Isaiah or Deuteronomy and Hebrews. These connections go far beyond a few select OT quotes by the writers. A good example of these deep connections is the link between Ezekiel and Revelation. Numerous books discuss Revelation in light of Daniel, which is not wrong, but the key OT book in understanding Revelation, if there is a key one, might be Ezekiel, not Daniel. David Chilton has written a commentary on Revelation called Days of Vengeance. The book presents a post-millenial reading of the Apocalypse. However, even if you do not agree with the final analysis, it is worth reading to help make the connections between Revelation and the other books of the Bible. Here is a chart he gives on the similarities between Ezekiel and Revelation. John clearly structures his book after Ezekiel.
1. The Throne-Vision (Rev. 4/Ezek. 1)
2. The Book (Rev. 5/Ezek. 2-3)
3. The Four Plagues (Rev. 6:1-8/Ezek. 5)
4. The Slain under the Altar (Rev. 6:9-11/Ezek. 6)
5. The Wrath of God (Rev. 6:12-17/Ezek. 7)
6. The Seal on the Saint’s Foreheads (Rev. 7/Ezek. 9)
7. The Coals from the Altar (Rev. 8/Ezek. 10)
8. No More Delay (Rev. 10:1-7/Ezek. 12)
9. The Eating of the Book (Rev. 10:8-11/Ezek. 2)
10. The Measuring of the Temple (Rev. 11:1-2/Ezek. 40-43)
11. Jerusalem and Sodom (Rev. 11:8/Ezek 16)
12. The Cup of Wrath (Rev. 14/Ezek 23)
13. The Vine of the Land (Rev. 14:18-20/Ezek. 15)
14. The Great Harlot (Rev. 17-18/Ezek. 16, 23)
15. The Lament over the City (Rev. 18/Ezek. 37)
16. The Scavengers’ Feast (Rev. 19/Ezek. 39)
17. The First Resurrection (Rev. 20:4-6/Ezek. 37)
18. The Battle with Gog and Magog (Rev. 20:7-9/Ezek. 38-39)
19. The New Jerusalem (Rev. 21/Ezek. 40-48)
20. The River of Life (Rev. 22/Ezek. 47)
Days of Vengeance completely changed my understanding of the Scriptures and how they functioned in the church. It was a major signpost on my journey to the Orthodox Church.
Well I read it and it did not lead me to the Orthodox Church. And I hope it will not lead others there either.
The book centers on Liturgy as the means of understanding the scriptures in the church, which is exactly how the Orthodox church functions still, just like it did when the Revelation was written. I hope more Christians will discover the scriptures in the light in which they were intended.
I don’t know, but what’s wrong with the Orthodox Church? Rushdoony was there for a period of time before he decided to house church it. I think.