By In Scribblings

Peter Jones: Feminism Kills Girls

Sex Selection 1Here is an interesting little tidbit from that renowned source of all things liberal, The Huffington Post. A pro-life group in England tried to sue because doctors did sex-selective abortions. The parents chose to abort female babies because they wanted boys.  Many people were upset, including numerous “health” officials in England. One Andrew Lansley said, “Sex selection is illegal and  is morally wrong.”  We need to be clear what people are upset about. They are not upset about abortions in general. By at least one poll 70% of those in England support some type of abortion. The health agencies in England are pro-abortion. People are not upset about girls being aborted. There were 196,082 abortions in England in 2011. At least half of these were probably girls. The officials did not get upset or try to prosecute those doctors. No, they are upset about girls being aborted instead of boys. But unfortunately for them the Abortion Act of 1967 (this legalized abortion in England) does not prohibit sex selective abortions. A woman can have an abortion if two doctors agree that an abortion is necessary to prevent grave mental injury to a woman. This phrase is a catch all used to cover most abortions in England.  Sex selection is not illegal. So parents can kill all the girls they want so they can have the boys they want.

Sex selection is the natural outcome of the attitude that promotes abortion to start with: personal freedom and choice, which have been hallmarks of the feminist agenda for decades.  If someone is pro-choice, but opposes sex selective abortions they are hypocrites. If I can kill my baby, why can I not kill the girl so I can have a boy? If I can be pro-choice with the baby, why I can I not be pro-choice with the sex of the baby? So why the outrage about sex selection in England? When sex selective abortions are allowed it is the girls who get killed, not the boys. England meet China. China meet England. According to this article by 2020 China will have 35 million extra men. What did Chinese parents do when they could only have one child? They killed the girls and kept the boys.  No matter what feminists say, it would be the same way in England or anywhere else. They know this so they oppose sex selective abortions when they have no rational reason to do so.

Feminism 1

What fruit feminism has wrought! The feminists and those who buy into the feminist agenda by insisting on abortion find themselves throwing women and girls into the grave. Feminism kills girls.  And so what was spoken by the wise man has been fulfilled, “All who hate me [God’s wisdom] love death.” (Proverbs 8:36)

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