By In Podcast

KC Podcast: Episode 94, A Theology of the Body for Children

Guest: Rev. Dr. Justin Holcomb

Video Editing by Matt Fuller

Book 1: God Made All of Me:… Book 2: God Made me in His Image:…

This is an issue I care deeply about in our oversexualized age. Children are being exposed earlier and earlier to sex through various technological means and they are exploring their sexuality through initiatory rituals as early as 13 years of age. While these exposures and practices deaden the soul and endanger the maturation of the mind, there is still a far deeper monster out there called sexual abuse. The recent Larry Nassar scandal is an indication that our society is attempting to grasp this issue but lacks the categories to deal with such barbarism. And while many of these events can be deeply politicized (Kavanaugh case), the Church must offer a proper response to this turmoil. We can say that the ministry of Jesus was a kingdom ministry to children. Our Lord desired their protection and even threatened with death those who would dare endanger or keep the children from being blessed by him.

In this episode, Pastor Uri Brito sits down with Dr. Justin Holcomb. The Holcombs have published two children’s books to help children understand their bodies. Indeed, it’s not just academicians that need to develop a theology of the body, but children as well. I encourage parents to seek these out and begin the conversation earlier with our little ones about their image-bearing status and the significance and uniqueness of the body God gave them.

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