By In Scribblings

Lenten Journey, 1

The Lenten Journey is a blessed one. It is encapsulated in the words of Psalm 1:

Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers…

Lent is to face once again those words with renewed vigor and insight. Lent forces us to re-examine anew what it looks like to walk in step with the wicked than in step with the Spirit (Gal. 5:16).

Indeed we are blessed when we contemplate our lives in light of those around us. Our tables of fellowship and the halls of communion speak much about our lives. Where do we sit? Where do we stand? Are we sitting around a company of law-keepers? Are we standing with blessed ones or those who despise the blessings of Yahweh?

Lent is a journey to grace. But this journey cuts us for forty long days. It allows us to bleed in ways we have not bled before; to mourn in ways we have not mourned before. Lent takes us through that journey where we ponder sin’s place in our lives and begin to demolish its presence and power in our daily walk. Lent is a blessed journey. And only the blessed ones can walk faithfully to the resurrection city.


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