Have you ever desired to be a part of the first century apostolic Church? Imagine the glories of knowing people who actually met Jesus and seeing signs and wonders? If you lived in the first century Church then you would know what a real church would look like, right? In our day, we hear churches and individuals saying, “We just want to be like the primitive Church. Let’s go back to the real deal.” But the apostles would be utterly perplexed at this statement. Why would you want to be an infant again? Now, it is not as if the 21st century Church has grown up into full maturity since those days. In fact, the first century Church in many ways is no different than the 21st century church. Is there division in our churches today? is there a lack of biblical wisdom? is there sexual immorality? are Christians suing one another? are there problems in marriages? do people abuse their liberties? is there idolatry in the Church today? The answer to all these questions is a resounding “Yes.” We still have a lot of growing up to do! We may not be infants anymore, but we are still in great need to grow up. But to treat the early church as a perfect model is to think falsely of the maturity of that first-century body. It is true that our cultures are very different–after all 2,000 years change a lot of things– but principally, our sins remain the same. Let us grow up, then, and desire the maturity of the church, not a return to its infancy.