By In Politics

Lybia War Benefits Obama

Chris Minion writes:

Obama went to war to split the Republican Party in anticipation of the 2012 elections. He has succeeded. He has sundered the GOP not only from its base, but from the Constitution (pacethe well-argued assertions that there was never a serious ligature to sever). Hard-core Bush supporters, especially the Big-Money types who profit so much from endless war (viz. Dick Cheney’s fan club), will be hard-pressed to “oppose the troops,” who will undoubtedly be on the ground until the elections are over — nor will they want to lose their incomes.

But what about Obama’s Left-wing supporters? They are “anti-war” in name only. All they want is power, and he’s grabbing plenty of it — and “spreading it around” like he is our money. In that, they are like their cousins on the Old Left, the Neocons, who now cheer Obama the liar, who broke all his campaign promises so he could remake the country in his own sordid image. (Kid Kristol welcomes this, of course: with his pathetic smirk he welcomes Obama as a “Born-Again Neocon,” bragging that Obama might even have consulted him about Libya).

This is the sad reality. In a sense, Obama has already secured his second term.


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