If you go search the archives of Google News you will find plenty about our rendition program. Here is one example among many: “When Did We Become Like Syria?”
It was published in late 2007 and is asking the question about America and her government. Given the silence of Evangelicals on this issue–specifically Evangelicals who claim that Christians should “influence the culture”–I have to ask: When Did The American Church Become Like Syria?
Pontifications about how Christians are supposed to transform the world sound like fingernails scratching a chalkboard when those same preachers look away from the homicidal actions of their government, as if they aren’t worth mentioning.
I’m glad Rod Dreher is one of the exceptional voices:
You watch: we’re going to do this thing, and if it brings the rebels to power, they are going to do to the Christian churches and monasteries in Syria — among the oldest in the world — exactly what Muslim fighters did to Christian churches and monasteries in Serbia. And that will not matter one bit to most people in this overwhelmingly Christian country, the United States of America. Don’t get me wrong; I would be against this if there weren’t a single Christian in Syria. But the fact that there are millions of them, and they’re going to face slaughter and exile if the rebels win, makes it even more outrageous that the United States is taking part in this.
When did the American Church train itself to be mute about it’s government engaging in mass murder–even when it specifically targeted Christian populations?<>