By In Scribblings

A Week Later: Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye

Here are some links that discuss the Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye debate, which took place on February 4th.  Here is a link to the actual debate.

Rick Phillips wrote a great piece at Reformation 21 about how the debate was primarily about assumptions. Both Phillips and the Mohler link below are some of the best.

Here is Al Mohler’s observations on the debate.

Both Ham and Nye’s mistakes are pointed out in this post.

Gary Demar explains how he would debate Bill Nye.

Here is an article that thinks Nye was foolish to debate Ham at all. He is not a friend of Ham, but he makes some interesting points about the nature of debates.

Here is an article that reflects the postmodern attitude that dogmatism of any kind is wrong. Thus this persons thinks both Nye and Ham were wrong. Not because they got their facts wrong, but because they believe in facts at all.

Ben Burlingham has a Ph. D and teaches chemistry. He follows up the debate with some suggestions on how the average person can witness to scientists.<>позиции а по ключевым словам

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