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Remembering Chalmers Johnson

Sheila Johnson remembers her husband…<>техническая поддержка а этозаказать рекламу а

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By In Politics

Lybia War Benefits Obama

Chris Minion writes:

Obama went to war to split the Republican Party in anticipation of the 2012 elections. He has succeeded. He has sundered the GOP not only from its base, but from the Constitution (pacethe well-argued assertions that there was never a serious ligature to sever). Hard-core Bush supporters, especially the Big-Money types who profit so much from endless war (viz. Dick Cheney’s fan club), will be hard-pressed to “oppose the troops,” who will undoubtedly be on the ground until the elections are over — nor will they want to lose their incomes.

But what about Obama’s Left-wing supporters? They are “anti-war” in name only. All they want is power, and he’s grabbing plenty of it — and “spreading it around” like he is our money. In that, they are like their cousins on the Old Left, the Neocons, who now cheer Obama the liar, who broke all his campaign promises so he could remake the country in his own sordid image. (Kid Kristol welcomes this, of course: with his pathetic smirk he welcomes Obama as a “Born-Again Neocon,” bragging that Obama might even have consulted him about Libya).

This is the sad reality. In a sense, Obama has already secured his second term.


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Rand Paul: Obama is Hypocritical

The Huffington Post quote Rand Paul as saying:

“We are engaging in a third war at a time when our country is struggling under an enormous debt and involved in two other wars,” he said, according to The Hill. “I will be very interested to see whether other senators support the candidate Barack Obama or now the hypocritical version that has become our president.”

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Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul on Wars and the Fed

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Ron Paul is Right on Lybia

‎”It is my opinion that we should NOT…. go into Libya and impose a No Fly Zone. You have to remember, a No Fly Zone is an act of war. What moral right do we have to participate in war activity against Libya? …. There’s no constitutional authority for a President to willie nillie go and start placing No Fly Zones over countries around the world.”

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Ron Paul lead the pack in the Tea Party Patriots

Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain led a presidential straw poll among Tea Party members released on Sunday, with former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin trailing in third place.<>продвижение а статьями

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By In Politics

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Across our nation, Campaign for Liberty’s 150,000+ members are taking action, educating their fellow countrymen, and making a considerable impact on the political landscape. Together, we unapologetically champion the principles that made our nation great: sound money, a constitutionally limited government and foreign policy, and respect for individual liberties.

These ideas transcend traditional boundaries and draw Americans (and like-minded people across the globe) from all backgrounds to the liberty message.

Many Republican leaders, however, continue to believe that principle must be sacrificed on the altar of attaining political power, despite the devastating defeats a “win-at-all-costs” philosophy brought their Party last November.  And, as you will see below, it is the liberty message that has all the momentum.

This past weekend at a South Carolina Republican convention, Senator Lindsey Graham adamantly defended supporting those who choose political expediency over substance. “We’re not going to build [the Republican Party] around libertarian ideas,” he told his audience. “[Ron Paul] is not the leader of this Party,” he emphasized.

Click on the image below to see these widely-circulated remarks.

Senator Graham claimed his view as being that of a Ronald Reagan Republican, but Reagan’s own words in a 1975 Reason interview remove any endorsement of the Senator’s statement.

“If you analyze it,” said Reagan, “I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism.”

What about principle vs. politics? (Emphasis in the following mine)

Reagan said: “I have been doing my best to try to revitalize the Republican Party groups that I’ve spoken to, on the basis that the time has come to repudiate those in our midst who would blur the Republican image by saying we should be all things to all people in order to triumph… I’ve been urging Republicans to raise a banner and put the things we stand for on that banner and don’t compromise, but don’t try to enlarge the party by being all things to everyone when you can’t keep all the promises. Put up a banner and then count on the fact that if you’ve got the proper things on that banner the people will rally round.”

South Carolina’s junior Senator, Jim DeMint, spoke after Graham and echoed Reagan, commenting about the Senate that he, “[w]ould rather have 30 Republicans who believe in the principles of limited government and free markets and free people than 60 Republicans who have no beliefs at all.”

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford also defended the freedom movement, remarking, “Liberty is the hallmark of the American experiment. That is the distinguishing characteristic of our Republic, and frankly what’s made it great… I’ve been accused of being a libertarian, and I would say I wear it as a badge of honor because I do love, believe in, and want to support liberty.”

Click on the image below to watch Governor Sanford’s remarks:

In his speech, Senator Graham noted that those who don’t think winning matters should head for the Party’s exits.

Of course winning is important. But when that becomes your ultimate focus at the expense of everything else, you throw away the integrity our Founders believed crucial in order to be involved in government.

The time has come to make it clear that we will no longer tolerate the rampant trashing of our Constitution by our representatives or their constant shifting on the issues. No matter what political party you belong to, you should have the courage to stand firm on your beliefs.

As our efforts with HR 1207 are demonstrating, you don’t have to cast aside principle to achieve success. A clear, consistent stand on a philosophy of freedom will find supporters, and from there real, lasting change can be effected.

To those in all political parties who wish to maximize freedom and prosperity, we invite you to join us in our efforts. To all those who would sell out our Constitution and their beliefs in pursuit of power, we turn Senator Graham’s words back on him and you by saying, “There’s the exit sign.”

In Liberty,

John Tate


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By In Politics

How to explain Ron Paul to a friend or family member?

This new website is made exactly for that purpose. It offers in Ron Paul’s own words a perfect introduction to our hero.

Check out: <>game onlineраскрутка ов портфолио

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All Ron Paul updates…

Updates on my main site:<>сопровождение ареклама шмугл

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Ron Paul 10% in Iowa

As Hillary Clinton appears to be breaking away from the pack, the Republican race in Iowa may be tightening up. A week ago, an ARG poll placed Mike Huckabee over Mitt Romney by an 11-point margin among likely Republican caucus-goers, but the latest poll by the group puts the two back in a statistical tie, 23 to 21 percent. John McCain has 17 percent of the vote, Rudy Giuliani has 14 percent — and Ron Paul has 10 percent in the latest poll, up from 4 percent last week.<>google adwords оплата

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